forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@Echo_6 group

"When I asked if you were nuts, I was being sarcastic. This time I really have to know, are you completely insane?"
"And like I said earlier, probably. Why do you ask again?"
"Why? Oh let me think. Maybe it's because you just ran into a building that was not only burning but also collapsing, to get a hard-drive of God knows what. And not only were you in a burning building by choice, but you had explosives in your pocket!"
"And your point is?"

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"Hey! Contrary to popular belief, I do indeed have common sense!"
"Says the one who's literally dating a ferocious, man-eating dragon."



He turned around, narrowing his eyes on the other. "Stop what?"

Kyoko clenched her fists and bared her blood-stained teeth. "Lying to me. All you ever do is lie, and lie, and lie and I can't… I can't take this from you. Not anymore."

@Echo_6 group

"Kye, what were you thinking? You could have died back there, this reckless behavior has to stop," Tyler sounded serious this time.
"Why? Why does it have to stop exactly? I'm not even suppose to be here. I wasn't suppose to happen and I've been hated my whole life. All 62,719 years of it. So why exactly should I stop this reckless behavior? I want to die. There I said it, okay? I would rather die than continue going on in this life. And the only reason I'm not dead yet is because nothing has been successful in killing me. I have nothing left to live for. My life has been a multitude of bad situations and hurt and pain. All of my friends are dead, my family has been dead since I was born, and all you care about is getting your stupid missions done without any hitches. You want to know what I was thinking? I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, this would be my chance to escape," Kye snapped suddenly, turning on Tyler. "Don't judge someone you know nothing about."

Deleted user

"Oh c'mon now Daddy Dante, don't you like my little game? It's so fun to play with the little mortals, I'm sure you-"

"Where did you take El? Where. Is. My. Daughter?"

"The same place I sent your little boyfriend, Daddy D! And if you wanna get em' back, you'll be helping me find Core, okay lovey?" Dice let out a shrill giggle.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"I am going to throw you into that ocean with your hands tied behind your back," the man threatened aiming the gun to his head.
"Not if I jump first!" Kye exclaimed throwing himself from the roof top towards the water below.
You didn't think this through did you?
No, not really.


@HighPockets group

"What are you doing?"
"I'm making her a new hand, with jointed fingers and sanded wood and everything."
"You don't even know her."
"I have to, Gi. She could've been Maia or Esther, centuries ago that would've been them. I need to help her."
"Then I'll work with you. For Maia, for Esther, and for Ophelia. And when we find them again, we can give her a new hand."


Phoebe sighed softly. “I swear, Car…”

“Just some water! Barely affects me!”

“You’re still human! You could get sick!”

“No I won’t!”

“You can!”

The two argued for a bit more, Mariam and Joan looking between each other, laughing at their friend’s ridiculousness.

@Echo_6 group

"You came back?!"
"No, I'm miles away, that's why I'm standing right next to you right now."
"Why would you come back?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe because I currently live on this planet and would like for it to stay intact or something stupid like that."


Silence blanketed the darkening field, softly tracing the shadows of every fallen fighter. A single woman stood alone, looking out at the destruction her willful words had birthed.
At long last, a voice broke the veil of quiet as the General made his way up the hill, his once proud gait broken by grief.
"You may pity them. You may kill the memory of every last one of my soldiers, so long as you do him the honour he deserves."


“Is it another pixie?” She asks exasperatedly. “Michael is already quite the troublemaker at 7 months. In fact, I should check on him more often while he’s in the main orphans room."
Mrs. John finishes the third crib, takes a peek into the dirty towel cradled in Jason's arms, and gasps.
The baby came with a slip of paper that said four things.
Her name is Zuri. She’s 3 months old. Human girl. Take care of her.

Deleted user

Hang with me,

Hang around,

Our necks will snap,

And they'll cut us into the ground.

It was rather distasteful, but a good clue as to finding his family. A bad clue, however, as to what Dice had done to them.

"Lovey, only your neck will be snapping." Dante growled as he crumpled the paper. Flames slowly warped the note as it crumbled to ash in his hand.