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Started by @Starfast group

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A strong hand gripped my bicep, interrupting the tirade Helena was going on, followed by Natasha's voice. "We need to talk."
I looked down at the woman, completely thrown. How the hell did she get back here?
Apparently, Helena was on the same thought train as I was. The hand gripping the evidence bag lowering slowly as her gaze landed on the deathly pale goth woman that had me in a vise. "Who are you? How did you get back here? Only personnel–?"
Natasha tutted, annoyed, and leaned forward, sliding her dark sunglasses down her nose, until those azure eyes were visible. Oh hell no, she was not thinking about doing that eye hypnosis on Helena–?
I spun, putting myself between Helena and my little demon reaper, avenger, whatever. "Tasha. Don't."
She blinked owlishly up at me, a small guilty smile playing on her lips for a moment before it vanished. "We need to talk." She repeated.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

“Look,” he said.
He held out both of his hands, palms out, and slowly lifted them up. Soàki looked around, disguising his amazement, but he heard Ashley inhale next to him. All around the room which had been crowded before stretched hundreds of multicolored strings like decorations made of yarn had been over enthusiastically strung over the place. They were all glowing slightly and melted into different colors. So continuously it was hard to tell them apart. Each one was attached to someone in the room and many attached the gods to each other, as well as stretching out of the room into the night outside.
“These,” Gaiesh said, are the threads of destiny.”
He snatched one out of the air, the colors bringing a little bit of light to his gaunt face, his bitter looking eyes reflecting their brightness.
“This,” he said, wrapping it around his hand, the string loosening under his touch, “is what controls you all.” His eyes flickered between the different colors. “All your life is written here,” he said softly. “For those who can see it. If I wished I could see what your life is tomorrow. Or,” he said looking directly at Ashley, I could tell you when you die”
To her credit Ashley didn’t back down. “Interesting,” she said disinterestedly.
Gaiesh smiled and released the string, and with a wave of his hand the room returned to normal, the gods danced on, not noticing what had occurred. “Indeed,” he said, and something gone too fast for Soáki to see it flashed on his face. “Indeed it is.”

@Mojack group

Tracking the creature was no problem; due to its size, and the fact the alien seemed to not care about being silent. The problem was, however, capturing it.


She was fighting. She was fighting so hard. She was a second away from shattering and letting 9 years worth of pain come flooding out. That wouldn't be good for anyone. "Don't push me please." She wasn't sure who she was talking to. Herself? Her mind? Rick? Axel? Whoever it was had one hand out, ready to shove her off the edge of the cliff, and she wouldn't survive the fall.

Deleted user

"I don't know," Her voice as soft as the fog on the other side of the window. "I know I'm here to avenge my own death, but…It's like it happened to someone else. I have memories of the pain, watching my friends get murdered–watching Damien get–" She stopped again, rubbing her temples with the palms of her hands.
"Tasha, you don't have to–"
"Even the rape! I have memories of it all, but I can't–I don't feel it. I don't feel anything. It wasn't me." Natasha moved on of her hands from her head to her chest, over the heart that didn't beat. "I don't even know if I am Natasha Rainier. Or if I'm just some specter with her face to haunt the bastards that did this."
Finally, finally she looked up at me.
"How do I know I'm real?"


"I don't wanna become the next circus attraction, okay?!" Ty snapped "Come and see the f**king human giraffe…" He turned away, tears forming in his eyes. "Just leave me alone… please…"

@Echo_6 group

"Just let go of me you back stabbing son of a b**ch," she slashed at his wrist again. The pain shooting up and down his arm was extreme and black spots were dancing in his vision. His grip on the rope and her arm tightened.
"No," he cried out in pain and anguish. "Please… no… I did leave. And I know I hurt you, and I know… you'll never forgive me for it." He grit his teeth, his breathing getting more raged by the second. Tears were streaming down his face. "And I… don't deserve to be forgiven…" he gasped for air. "But please… don't make me drop you."

@HighPockets group

The two girls rode into town on horseback, covered in blood. The younger led, her eyes wild and her golden brown hair streaked with dirt and gore. The older clung to her, one hand clumsily wrapped and the other missing. Blood spilled from her mouth and from between her ribs, yet she did not seem to be dying. In fact, she was frighteningly alive, despite the varied red stains on her white slip, ranging from deep crimson to a pale near-pink. The younger kept repeating something under her breath-Lady Lavinia Grey Lady Lavinia Grey Lady Lavinia-and the older could not speak at all.

Deleted user

"I'm going to save her! I'm going to save her!" Grynn screamed, ripping into her lover's corpse in a dissociative rage.

"Grynn, you can't fix this. Sasha is dead. She's dead, and you tearing apart her chest won't-"

"Eli needs the heart! He'll fix her!"

Grynn sighed, letting her head rest on her shoulder. She looked up at the sky, rolling her head back a little to take in the stars.

"She can't be fixed this time, Grynn. Sasha doesn't have a heart anymore, not since the spell was used in…. when Sen…." Benovlio choked a little, wiping tears out of his eyes.

@Echo_6 group

"Tolkalee…" her small cry was barely audible. She looked down at his face as it slowly got paler. "Tolkalee," her voice got a little more harsh. "You idiot, you complete idiot. Why did you do this…?" the lump in her throat crushed her voice and all she could do was sob into his shoulder as she held him closer.

@Starfast group

He had fashioned a story about how a strange, but well dressed man had approached them in the square and asked them to send the letter, with no given explanation before he hurried off towards the train station.
To his great relief, he never got to tell it.

v thanks :D

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

"Waitt, so since when have you been immortal?" Abrayo asked with a look of absolute cluelessness in his eyes.
"Since we found out I don't age or die you dumb potato." Arexi answered in annoyance.


"What did I tell you to do?"
"Refrian from singing to enchant that guy into giving us free food?"
"And what did you do?"
"The exact opposite."

Deleted user

Natasha sighed, eyes still closed despite the entire club pointing a gun at her. I tensed behind the pillar. There was no way either of us were getting out of this–well alive– but I supposed that was irrelevant for a wraith since she was already dead. How did I get myself into this situation again?

I poked my head out again, hand scrambling for my phone. Time to call Helena and backup. My own gun was already in my other hand, but I could have been holding a squirt gun for all the damage it was going to do to the forty men on the other side of the wall. Fuck fuck fuck.

My eyes flicked back to Natasha as her shoulders dropped and she rolled her head on her shoulders. She looked like she was getting ready for yoga class not a shoot out. Her eyes remained closed as she carefully cracked each knuckle on her left hand. The crack, crack, crack louder than thunder in the tense room. Moving over to her right hand, Natasha's black coated lips turned up into a smile. Once finished, she dropped her hands back to her sides, and those devilish eyes of hers opened with a snap.

"Okay. I'm ready now."

I cursed. She jumped. The room exploded in gunfire.

@Echo_6 group

"Were you ever going to tell us?" Taca's question was quiet and serious. Tolkalee looked directly at her as he replied.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you the truth."