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Started by @Starfast group

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Mari stared at them all. “Oh,” she said faintly. Overwhelmed, she stumbled backwards.

Dawson caught her first, his reflexes kicking in to stop Mari from collapsing. When it became clear to him that Mair was going to fall if he let go, he turned to James, who had already stepped in to wrap an arm around Mari’s waist. Cameron carefully guided them to the couch.
There was a couple seconds of silence as they stared at Mari, waiting for her response. She couldn't think of anything to say. So instead, she started to cry.

“Oh, crap,” Dawson said, and Mari was too busy crying to laugh at him about his language.

“Did we upset you?” James said. He sounded devastated. “Oh, Mari, I’m so sorry, we didn’t mean to…”

“I don’t understand, this wasn’t supposed to distress you,” Cameron said.

Deleted user

"So at first I was like waH-ChAaawW, then he was like KABLAM, and then I said oh klabamo? And then i went BANG and then he went BLEARHGH and then I went-"
"Veleda, shut up."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Contrary to popular belief, I'm actually a pretty nice person." I narrow my eyes. "Unless, of course, you get on my bad side. Most people don't survive that."

@Mojack group

I realized, that without legs, I was going nowhere, even if I gathered enough energy to pull myself away from the wires that connected me to this prison.

Deleted user

"Did you peek?"
"You were naked. Of course, I looked."
I wanted to smack that nonchalant grin off this stupid face.

Deleted user

"You seem sad. Wanna fuck with Aiden until he chases us out of the house?"

"Hell yes."

Deleted user

Her brown eyes mirror images of learning to drive in a hospital parking lot when she was 13.

@Echo_6 group

"You can't be the strongest, there is no strongest. Because even the strong fall over when they fight alone. I don't find strength in myself, I find it with my companions."


It was a gray day in the city, and rain poured down on people’s umbrellas and jackets.

Except for one girl, who’s curly brown hair was getting plastered down with water, which was running down her bare (and now quite cold) arms, and was swearing as she tried her best as she tried her best to maneuver her guitar case to keep it from hitting people.