forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@Moxie group

Lila opened the door to her dark apartment. Her parents were still at work and her brother was at band, so she didn’t expect anyone to be there. That’s why she jumped and cursed when a man in dark clothes turned on a lamp and drawled, “So Vanta. We finally meet.”

Deleted user

"Go, Sora. Go."
She looked at me, completely in shock, mouthing hanging open as she tried to find something to say. She looked so beautiful in the afternoon light. The sunlight seeming to stream through the clouds just to land on her. I stared, wanting to memorize every line, every feature, every blemish, every perfection. This may be the last time I ever see her. Sora may not come back, and hell I wouldn't blame her. No one who understood would blame her.
Her mouth closed slowly as determination settled over her features. I reached for her just as her eyes filled with tears.
"Thank you, Tenzo."
Then she was gone, my hand still hanging empty in the air.

Deleted user

"The only thing that keeps me going is the false hope that one day we'll be together again."

@HighPockets group

"You invited a world-renowned scientist over for dinner?"
"I panicked."
"And the first thing you thought of was to invite them over for dinner?"


"Daniel's heart is already weak. He's one blade away from getting a heart attack so don't give me that bullshit, Bao," Kyoko shook her head and ran her fingers through her thick hair. "War. War. Are you insane?"

"Just because I think with my head and not my emotions doesn't mean i'm any less sane."

@Echo_6 group

"You know this is a stealth mission right?"
"No yeah I know."
"And you brought high explosives with you."
"Because you never know when one of these could come in handy."

@HighPockets group

"We'll flee the courts together!"
"That's a horrible idea, Oberon."
"I know! It's absolutely a horrible idea, but we can make it work, we can leave! Robin can help us, won't you, Robin?"
"Uh, sure?"


"You! You, never come near Frankie again!" Anarchy yelled, loosing any cool she may have had. Sheena stood behind her, trying to hold her back from lashing at the other, eerily calm girl.
"Why? She'll forgive me, after all."
"And then you'll do the same shit! You'll do it again, and break her bloody heart all over again!" Anarchy snarled, fighting against Sheena and and now May's grips.
"Oh, and I'll listen to a freak like you?" Penny said, with that sickly sweet smile they've seen a few too many times.
Sheena, blank faced, nudged May to have her release her grip, before letting Anarchy go, guns blazing.
It could never be said that the punk's children didn't watch for their own.

@Echo_6 group

Kye looked up from what he was doing, as the yell echoed across the house.
Oh boy, he's gonna come yell at you.
Wanna pretend that you're not here?
I could pretend to be a mime.
No, you'd still have to listen to him.
Yeah, you're right. I could pretend to be possessed.
That might work. Just let me do the talking. Since I technically am a demon and all.
Sure thing. Have fun.