forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@TeamMezzo group

"Why? Why are you staying here beside me, watching me try to fall in love? I'm bad at loving people back, okay? Why do you want to be close to me? I'm not around enough to make me worth the wait, and who wants to be close with someone who always goes away?"

Deleted user

“You ask for payment, yet you did not complete your job. Are you serious?”

@DreadPirateRoberts group

“How would I know? I am a Frost Wyrm, in case you had failed to notice,” Skarrtoth scoffed. “Go figure it out on your own, Kai—I am at a loss.”
He ducked his head, trying not to laugh at the old dragon’s consternation. Kai couldn’t help but smirk anyway. “I guess I’ll go start casting and hope the castle doesn’t object…”
Skarrtoth rumbled ominously, causing Kai to jump a bit before he realized that he was laughing. “I’d recommend some research in the old library first, seeing as wizards were the last occupants of this old pile.”
“Duly noted,” Kai grinned and bowed with a flourish, “I’ll just go find that library then. You wouldn’t happen to have some directions for me, would you?”


Rhapsody smiled softly, wrapping an arm around the younger’s shoulders and pulling her into a half hug. She had always been like a cat. Pretend not to be looking for affection, but being very obvious when she did want it.

@Echo_6 group

"After what you've done?… I could never trust you again," he turned and began walking away. She stared after him, a cold dread sinking in her chest. She knew what she had done, and it was going to cost them everything.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

“Yes, I know. But that used to not matter.”
“Well, it does now. Times have changed, Casandra, whether you like it or not.”

Deleted user

"And Dusk was perhaps one of the only 'successes' that project had. Maybe that's pushing it a tiny bit. But he's able to speak, is self-aware, and is somewhat stable in terms of physical health."

@Echo_6 group

"Listen, I know you don't trust me, and I know what I did, but if you don't help, you are sentencing millions to death. You understand that right?" Her voice stayed even and never raised above monotone. He had his back to her and he looked up at the stars.
"I know," he replied.

@DreadPirateRoberts group

“You brought this on yourself. You trained me to save the world. You lost me everything and everyone I ever loved. You deserve my threats and you deserve to have them followed through,” Kai snarled.

Deleted user

"Do you think that someday we will join them in the stars, too?"

Deleted user

"Why are you looking at me like that?"
Liam sighed, dropping his hands to his hips as he shrugged. "I was expecting–I don't know–you're usually not this quiet, Tasha."
This time I shrugged, looking back down at my hands so I wouldn't have to see the worry etched in his eyes. "I don't have a witty remark for this."


Sometimes, I find myself wondering if it would have saved my family a great deal of heartache if they had simply not gone out that day.

@Echo_6 group

"You're willing to let people die, just because you don't like one person?" She argued.
"Yep," he nodded. "You can stop coming here now. Next time you come I will not be here."