forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@Mojack group

“Yeah, that’s probably why he’s dead; ‘cause I ripped out his spine. Now, does anyone have some meds or something? This migraine is killing me.”

@Echo_6 group

"You're alive!?"
"Yeah… Am I supposed to be dead?"
"Then who's dead body did we find in your house?"
"The guy that came to try and kill me."
"You did that to him?!"
"….I am neither confirming nor denying that."

@HighPockets group

"Are you on any form of medication?" Mr. Flynn asked, pen at the ready.
"I started taking Aderall in college, does that count?" Jackson answered, " Yeah, I was always pretty popular, but never as much as I was during finals."
Charlie sighed and sank lower into his chair, but his father's expression stayed blank.
"That was a joke. I wasn't an Aderall dealer," Jackson clarified hastily.

@Mojack group

“Patient Zero,” the group turned to the new figure who had just entered. “How nice of you to visit us..” Although her voice hardly had any welcome in it. The atmosphere had become rather tense in those few seconds.

@Mojack group

"You should probably take a shower if she coughed on you. A really long and good shower."

and from my other story

Who was this woman?

@HighPockets group

Carrie was fire, constantly burning through everything around her, but Ayla was calmer, the spirit of temperance, relaxed and calm until she needed to toss that temperance aside for the queen.

@Echo_6 group

Did you just…
Agree with your plan? Yes I did. Don't count on it happening a lot.
…Okay, but you didn't actually let me finish my plan.
You mean there's more?
I take it back then, this is a horrible plan.
You didn't even let me tell you what the rest of the plan was!

@TeamMezzo group

"I missed you so much!" I cried.
"Since when do you miss me? Are you feeling alright? Do I need to call a doctor?" Jongin proceeded to feel my forehead for a fever.


He sounded so sure of that. So why couldn’t Cisco say the same? Even as Jo’s hand found Catori’s shoulder…why couldn’t he confidently assure her that he believed the same, that Catori was still the same person he’d fallen in love with?

Deleted user

"My mother gave it to me many years ago…" Tenzo paused, continuing to turn the little wooden solider over and over in his hands. His gaze was still locked on something in the far off distance, jaw working as thoughts fought to break free from his lips.
"Tenzo…" His name barely a whisper on my lips. I couldn't breathe, my heart thundering in my chest like a war drum. I couldn't do this. I couldn't let him go–
"I want you to take it with you." He said, those deep green eyes finally meeting my own. The small toy was warm as he pressed it into the palm of my hand. "So you won't forget–you won't forget me."

@HighPockets group

"I'm not taking your advice, you dyed your hair blue in college."
"It was an act of rebellion against Mom!"
"You dyed it bright blue."
"That's not even the stupidest thing I did in college, Morgan."
"Bright. Blue."

@Echo_6 group

"I thought you cared," she snapped. Tears staining her cheeks. "I thought you were different. I guess I was wrong." She turned and walked away without looking back. Kye stood where he was, not looking after her, just staring at the ground. He'd blown it.

Deleted user

Honor pouts. “Yeah, but it would be more fun if we went through a window.”

@spacebluelily language

Esmeralda looked at her younger sister and scowled. “Look at you, you’re so weak and pathetic. I honestly don’t know why father choose you to be the next leader of the tribe.” The others around Esmeralda starting laughing at Nancy.