forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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"Just tell me you will say yes!"
"Is this really the time to be discussing this, Tenzo?!" I tossed over my shoulder. Despite the Oni glaring down at me, its maw hideously dripping with ichor and ooze, it's stench filling my nose–I was still able to feel my heart race at the sight of the man beside me. Standing back to back as we fought, I could see the smile that he shot back at me.
"I think now is the perfect time, Sora."
I sighed, turning my head so he wouldn't see my stupid giddy grin. Tenzo hadn't changed at all had he?

@spacebluelily language

“Mr. Axel, you did it! Y-You did it. . “ Damian said as tears rolled down his cheeks. His mentor had sacrificed himself to win the battle for everyone. And now because of this, he was dying, and there is no way to save him from death.

@Starfast group

“No,” Alexis said, “No, Gerard no, please wake up!” She seized his shoulders and began shaking him gently. Her voice grew steadily more frantic as she tried to rouse him “Please. Gerry, you can’t do this right now! Wake up! Wake up, dammit!” When she got no response, she cried out, slamming her hand down on the wooden floor. “We were so close,” she said, her voice cracking as she tried to hold back tears.

@Echo_6 group

"Have you even been in a war before?"
"No, I just have to stop them from starting every other weekend. Yes I've been in a war before have you seen where I come from?"
"You just seem so lax about it. Like it's not that big of a deal."
"Like I said. Every. Other. Weekend."

@HighPockets group

“No,” Alexis said, “No, Gerard no, please wake up!” She seized his shoulders and began shaking him gently. Her voice grew steadily more frantic as she tried to rouse him “Please. Gerry, you can’t do this right now! Wake up! Wake up, dammit!” When she got no response, she cried out, slamming her hand down on the wooden floor. “We were so close,” she said, her voice cracking as she tried to hold back tears.


@Echo_6 group

"Dean that's more likely to get us killed."
"Only if we get caught."
"The chances of us not getting caught are so small even a microscope can't see them."
"But there's still a chance."



No, you thick asshole!” Avitas looked exasperated. “Not gays! Poor guys. Guys who live in the slums. They don’t help us, they hurt us. Doesn’t matter why we’ve come to them. They just punish everyone involved and call it justice.”

@Echo_6 group

"You seem a little overwhelmed."
"Well, after the barn exploded, the truck broke down, the cows ran through the garden, the president was assassinated, Russia invaded, aliens made contact, and we learned that the world was ending, I got a little overwhelmed."


Giving a snarl, Meister retreated back into his normal form. "If it were up to me, I would've eaten you long ago."

Deleted user

Carefully, Sorrel lifted his son's body from the sands of the shore. Star laid there, limp as a noodle, not even barely breathing. "Star, son, you aren't supposed to leave before I do! You were supposed to grow up, live out your dreams, become that astronomy museum boss you've always wanted to be!" He cried, only to notice Star's body losing its last drops of pigment. "It wasn't supposed to be this way," He whispered.

Deleted user

For the eyes of the morgue always see the living.

Honestly I love this in all of its beautiful, dark forms-



(That was a very random segment lmao. The line before had been "guys like me!" they're talking about the police of their world, who are known as Enforcers)