forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@HighPockets group

(Beckett Randall. He's a wannabe philosopher who has no idea what to do with his life, a dead sister, and a hat he values more than his life.)

Deleted user

Everything seemed so far away, but at the same time, constrictingly close. All sorts of things swirled around inside of him- uncertainty of the future, confusion about the present and pain from the past, with a sickness towards the worst of humanity swimming between them all. None of the turmoil inside affected the surety of his next words.
“I get it.”
“Good. You’re not a complete idiot.”
“Why do you guys keep saying that?!”

@Katastrophic group

so i'm writing the tournament arc and-

As soon as his flame attack stopped she punched him in the face. It wasn’t the most effective strategy, but her magic was tired and it was very satisfying.

@Echo_6 group

"Okay wise guy how do you shoot a bow?" She snapped looking at him.
"Calmly," he replied bluntly. "Emotions built up, only cause distractions."

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andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) would be holding a bloody Knife with tears in his eyes, "I-im…so sorry…" He`d say with his voice cracking…

@Anemone eco

There was a ghastly beauty to that place. Something that almost made him forget the danger behind the doors. Almost.

@Mojack group

“Your entire arm is mangled, dear. Quite frankly, even I would decide to retreat at this point, even to an environment where we have a better chance at fighting her.”

@Echo_6 group

Instead of reprimanding her, like she thought he would, his fingers lightly grabbed her chin and turned her face so that she was looking at him and he studied the bruise.


Dakota took their time looking up at Finley. When they did, they didn't have the trace of a smile anywhere on their face. "You messed up."

@Starfast group

There’s an island in Brazil that’s filled with venomous snakes. No one lives there, it’s just the snakes. The reason why I think about this now is because even an island filled with deadly vipers sounds more appealing than being stuck at the party where I’m currently stranded.

@Mojack group

And Sanno spoke of the Voice having such intelligence in its words, Khiat just knew - he just KNEW that the Voice would have what he required.

@CasiCasino group

The sun was starting to set with the couple leaning against each other by the sandy shore. The wind was soft. They looked happily at each other once before they leaned in and kissed the other’s lips, enjoying the beautiful last seconds of the day together before nocturnal hours settled in again.

(This is the last line… of my first ever story)



Aza sighed, putting her guitar to the side as the mess of brown pigtails and bright colors that was their drummer barreled through her bedroom door. “What is it, Katie-cat?”

Katie leaped onto the bed, laying her head in Aza’s lap. “Affection. Please.”