forum Share the most recent line in your story
Started by @Starfast group

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@Starfast group

Time moves differently when you’re waiting for a bus; much slower than it normally does. And when it’s cold and rainy, it just stops all together.

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"And what would that be?" Oracle asked, walking towards him with her arms crossed. Even in a situation of mass chaos, she seemed to be in control.

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"Declan." She said as soft as the sunlight filtering through the leaves. I whipped right back around to look at her, the shock on my face comical enough to make her smile. Had she just….?

@CasiCasino group

The brothers looked around, giving each other confused yet interested expressions. It was long before the doors in front of them opened, blinding them with the lights of the ballroom. That wasn’t what had expected from what they heard was a haunted mansion but this would do. In the middle of the room, though, held a sight they regretted to come across. Their sister, who was presumed missing months ago, was there to greet them with her body pinned to a cross.
”Good evening, boys” the sound of their aunt called to them from behind the cross as she walked out, caressing the sister’s cheek as she did.


From The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living Alone by Dakota Jaye Royal:
"I'll have to finish the barn roof tomorrow, unless there’s too much wind. It was pretty strong today, almost blew me off the roof of the shed a couple times already."

From The Living Tell Lies: (Same character)
They threw on their most comfy clothes, partly to maintain the coziness of their bed, partly to rebel against wearing anything decently nice.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

“Do not let the sadness linger. It will consume you. Revenge is the only answer.” Rune looked at her seriously. “That is something we all learn here sooner or later.”
Daniella nodded, unsure what else she was supposed to do. There was a bit of an awkward sort of silence.

@Echo_6 group

Whaaaat are you doing?
I am going to get us out.
Don't you dare say you're going to "reconfigure" the wall again!
No, that's not what I had in mind at all.
Good, I'm glad to see you-
I'm blowing the wall out.
………………………………………………I hate you.


A feeling that bespoke the secrets within, that screamed with the voices of a hundred souls; wondering and wandering and scared. Unfortunately for her, she had never been good at avoiding people–or things–that needed help.


“Please, doesn’t this war seem senseless to you? How could we, who have been friends since before even old Glen can recall, be so quick to turn against each other? I offer you nothing but truth, I swear it on my tribe.”