forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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OOF. I say just slaughter em. Also guys I'm bored,anyone want to rp?

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ELLA BEAN MA CHILD! Are you okay?We're here to talk, always.


Every single time I feel decent again I get too confident, make some terrible mistake and then completely blow every chance of me recovering

And this time wasn’t an exception, in fact it was 79% worse than usual

So now I’m just laughing in a corner while trying desperately to distract myself from the fact that by every possible standpoint, I am a shitty excuse for a human being and deserve hell

Happens every week :)


One of the best things about the internet is that no one has any idea what I could have possibly done

It could be anything on a scale from eating too many cookies to killing infants

So no one here can truly prove if I’m a good person or not

well anyway I’m just gonna go cry or something

Deleted user

Hey Ella. One. Kill the children AND eat the cookies and two. You would never do that. I mean we all have ups and downs it's life. Just breath. You'll be okay. Life will be fine. We all make mistakes, I sure have made my fair share. It's the human in us.


Ella, I'm going to tell you something, and I want you to really listen to this. you may have made a mistake, or even several, I don't know how bad they were, But I'm going to tell you this right now. The most important thing about making a mistake, is learning from it, is trying to fix it, so love, stick it out, it's the right thing to do. Give it your all to fix your mistakes, and never forget the lesson you've learned. it can be hard, but I believe in you.

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I agree with all of them. That's where my advice was going, but slower. First is accepting that yeah you made a mistake, everyone does. think it out, plan how you're going to fix it, and then put that forth. The putting it forth and even the planning at times can be really hard, but it's worth it normally in the end. Depending on the situation of course.

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