forum What is your stance on same-sex marriage?
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

people_alt 49 followers


No hate! Honesty is the best, even if it come is a harsh and hurtful way. We all got to see what the other thought of this subject. I say, if someone says something that you don't believe, just agree with them and get it over with.


Well I think people should all love on another, whether they are male or female. I get that some people are more attracted to people of the same gender, ok, if they want to be together, ok, but as long as it doesn't get creepy and they start whatever they do in public. I get really creeped out when people, whether they are the same sex or not, start touching and kissing in public.


I don’t think it should be a debate based on religion because religion is so subjective.

Right. Plus as NutElla said, religion paints history in an extremely biased light.


Well I think people should all love on another, whether they are male or female. I get that some people are more attracted to people of the same gender, ok, if they want to be together, ok, but as long as it doesn't get creepy and they start whatever they do in public. I get really creeped out when people, whether they are the same sex or not, start touching and kissing in public.

Yeah PDA (public displays of affection) can make me uncomfortable too, no matter the gender. However, I do have the ability to look away from something like that, and as long as they're not doing anything sexual and they're not getting too crazy in front of children, I'm not going to do anything about it.

@Knight-Shives group

In my views I see nothing wrong with same sex marriage. I see it the same as regular marriage. People should be able to choose who they like and who they would like to marry. Nobody should be able to tell someone else that they can't due to different beliefs. Though everyone has different beliefs that is fine. Regardless of beliefs you should be allowed to marry who you want, without other people's desicions affect you.


At least people put in their facts, that's what this chat is about, right? Whether their religion rejects it or not? We got to see others opinions and besides that we learned what their religion has to say about it, its a win - win, we leaned two different things in this chat :)


Well I think people should all love on another, whether they are male or female. I get that some people are more attracted to people of the same gender, ok, if they want to be together, ok, but as long as it doesn't get creepy and they start whatever they do in public. I get really creeped out when people, whether they are the same sex or not, start touching and kissing in public.

Yeah PDA (public displays of affection) can make me uncomfortable too, no matter the gender. However, I do have the ability to look away from something like that, and as long as they're not doing anything sexual and they're not getting too crazy in front of children, I'm not going to do anything about it.

I look away too, I just feel bad for any other uncomfortable person walking by. Kissing and cuddling use to be a private thing, and I think it would be better if it was. You don't loose your dignity and plus, your in the privacy of your own home. I'm more "ehhh" about partners cuddling in public, jts.


Well I think people should all love on another, whether they are male or female. I get that some people are more attracted to people of the same gender, ok, if they want to be together, ok, but as long as it doesn't get creepy and they start whatever they do in public. I get really creeped out when people, whether they are the same sex or not, start touching and kissing in public.

Yeah PDA (public displays of affection) can make me uncomfortable too, no matter the gender. However, I do have the ability to look away from something like that, and as long as they're not doing anything sexual and they're not getting too crazy in front of children, I'm not going to do anything about it.

I look away too, I just feel bad for any other uncomfortable person walking by. Kissing and cuddling use to be a private thing, and I think it would be better if it was. You don't loose your dignity and plus, your in the privacy of your own home. I'm more "ehhh" about partners cuddling in public, jts.

Well, that's more of a preference thing. I like affection to stay private, but others like to express their love and affection for their significant other in public. It makes them happy, and I don't see anything wrong with that. I might not like seeing it, but I'm happy that they're happy.


Well, that's more of a preference thing. I like affection to stay private, but others like to express their love and affection for their significant other in public. It makes them happy, and I don't see anything wrong with that. I might not like seeing it, but I'm happy that they're happy.

And I'm happy their enjoying themselves too. Idk why but when someone feels bad or uncomfortable I feel like I'm the one causing them those feelings and I wish the things or people that are causing those feelings would stop, that's just it.


You can explain what you think, but just as we were saying, all beliefs are equal.

What about beliefs like racism?

*all non harmful beliefs are equal

Deleted user

This might surprise some people but I fully support Gay marriage even though I’m a Christian. I believe that god would want true happiness over anything, everyone is his child after all. My religion is somewhat tamer then others, I mean I know it’s said that anything homosexual is bad, but I just think it’s an overthought. If it really was bad, wouldn’t he go against it? I mean, it’s doesnt say that homosexuality is an actual sin, it might be somewhat stated in the Bible. My uncle (who is also a Christian) is gay, he was always ashamed of it but… you know what? You can’t change who you are, you can pretend but it won’t dhange it. You are you, if you love a guy, love him with all your heart, love the opposite gender? Love them just as much. I’m a lesbian myself, I have a family of christans, sure, my grandmother and grandfather were against it, but after seeing how happy my uncle was, and how happy my other gay family members were, they learned to respect it, now they fully support me being Lesbian. Say what you want about my religion, or how I’m saying my opinion completely wrong, this is what I think, and everyone is equal, they should all be happy, doesn’t matter what.

Deleted user

This might surprise some people but I fully support Gay marriage even though I’m a Christian. I believe that god would want true happiness over anything, everyone is his child after all. My religion is somewhat tamer then others, I mean I know it’s said that anything homosexual is bad, but I just think it’s an overthought. If it really was bad, wouldn’t he go against it? I mean, it’s doesnt say that homosexuality is an actual sin, it might be somewhat stated in the Bible. My uncle (who is also a Christian) is gay, he was always ashamed of it but… you know what? You can’t change who you are, you can pretend but it won’t dhange it. You are you, if you love a guy, love him with all your heart, love the opposite gender? Love them just as much. I’m a lesbian myself, I have a family of christans, sure, my grandmother and grandfather were against it, but after seeing how happy my uncle was, and how happy my other gay family members were, they learned to respect it, now they fully support me being Lesbian. Say what you want about my religion, or how I’m saying my opinion completely wrong, this is what I think, and everyone is equal, they should all be happy, doesn’t matter what.

That's a good statement! I know how you feel to be honest

Deleted user

This might surprise some people but I fully support Gay marriage even though I’m a Christian. I believe that god would want true happiness over anything, everyone is his child after all. My religion is somewhat tamer then others, I mean I know it’s said that anything homosexual is bad, but I just think it’s an overthought. If it really was bad, wouldn’t he go against it? I mean, it’s doesnt say that homosexuality is an actual sin, it might be somewhat stated in the Bible. My uncle (who is also a Christian) is gay, he was always ashamed of it but… you know what? You can’t change who you are, you can pretend but it won’t dhange it. You are you, if you love a guy, love him with all your heart, love the opposite gender? Love them just as much. I’m a lesbian myself, I have a family of christans, sure, my grandmother and grandfather were against it, but after seeing how happy my uncle was, and how happy my other gay family members were, they learned to respect it, now they fully support me being Lesbian. Say what you want about my religion, or how I’m saying my opinion completely wrong, this is what I think, and everyone is equal, they should all be happy, doesn’t matter what.

That's a good statement! I know how you feel to be honest

Yeah, christans sometimes assume things they read in the Bible, I wouldn’t mind being proven wrong, any other Christians find a quote from the Holy Bible that basically says “Homosexuality is a sin” to prove me wrong, no matter how it is, I just want to know if it’s actually true, I’ll be ashamed that I disobeyed my god, but still, wouldn’t god want us happy?

Deleted user

I support same-sex marriage.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
~The Declaration Of Independence

Who are we to deny marriage in our country? It's taking away the liberties and happiness of individuals. If we allow the government to take that away, then what does that influence on them? If we were to let the government take away and/or prevent same-sex marriage, who knows what they will try to take next.
Just my thoughts on it. ^~^

Deleted user

I support same-sex marriage.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
~The Declaration Of Independence

Who are we to deny marriage in our country? It's taking away the liberties and happiness of individuals. If we allow the government to take that away, then what does that influence on them? If we were to let the government take away and/or prevent same-sex marriage, who knows what they will try to take next.
Just my thoughts on it. ^~^

Exactly, I one hundred percent agree with you! You took the words right out of my mouth.


This might surprise some people but I fully support Gay marriage even though I’m a Christian. I believe that god would want true happiness over anything, everyone is his child after all. My religion is somewhat tamer then others, I mean I know it’s said that anything homosexual is bad, but I just think it’s an overthought. If it really was bad, wouldn’t he go against it? I mean, it’s doesnt say that homosexuality is an actual sin, it might be somewhat stated in the Bible. My uncle (who is also a Christian) is gay, he was always ashamed of it but… you know what? You can’t change who you are, you can pretend but it won’t dhange it. You are you, if you love a guy, love him with all your heart, love the opposite gender? Love them just as much. I’m a lesbian myself, I have a family of christans, sure, my grandmother and grandfather were against it, but after seeing how happy my uncle was, and how happy my other gay family members were, they learned to respect it, now they fully support me being Lesbian. Say what you want about my religion, or how I’m saying my opinion completely wrong, this is what I think, and everyone is equal, they should all be happy, doesn’t matter what.

That's a good statement! I know how you feel to be honest

Yeah, christans sometimes assume things they read in the Bible, I wouldn’t mind being proven wrong, any other Christians find a quote from the Holy Bible that basically says “Homosexuality is a sin” to prove me wrong, no matter how it is, I just want to know if it’s actually true, I’ll be ashamed that I disobeyed my god, but still, wouldn’t god want us happy?

The 7th commandment

Good info in link