forum What is your stance on same-sex marriage?
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

people_alt 49 followers


There needs to be less intolerance in the world for the sake of religion. People need to treat others with respect honestly, no matter what. I can't see how you can argue against love and respect and admiration for others. The world needs mor Lees and Doms.


There needs to be less intolerance in the world for the sake of religion. People need to treat others with respect honestly, no matter what. I can't see how you can argue against love and respect and admiration for others. The world needs mor Lees and Doms.

And more Shuris, too


But AFT, if you do believe, remember that if God made something a sin, there will be a good reason.

He made nothing in sin, he gave us free will and we we're the one that committed it. It was a test of Adam and Eve and they failed and now we must bear the consciences.

Correction. If something is sinful, you can bet God has a good reason that it is such.

I wish they did pass the test of the 'Tree of good and evil', God probably had a plan that if they did pass he would go down to earth and live with them, like he sent Jesus down to earth. Since we messed up his plan he made a new one, I wish I could tell y'all about it, but I'll leave that for y'all to find out in the future, or y'all can just read books on mystic who talked to Mary, or y'all can read the story of Our Lady of Fatima.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

There needs to be less intolerance in the world for the sake of religion. People need to treat others with respect honestly, no matter what. I can't see how you can argue against love and respect and admiration for others. The world needs mor Lees and Doms.

And more Shuris, too

Message approved.

Deleted user

There needs to be less intolerance in the world for the sake of religion. People need to treat others with respect honestly, no matter what. I can't see how you can argue against love and respect and admiration for others. The world needs mor Lees and Doms.

And more Shuris, too



There needs to be less intolerance in the world for the sake of religion. People need to treat others with respect honestly, no matter what. I can't see how you can argue against love and respect and admiration for others. The world needs mor Lees and Doms.

And more Shuris, too


I too wish there was more good, kind hearted people in this world….. If only there was.


There needs to be less intolerance in the world for the sake of religion. People need to treat others with respect honestly, no matter what. I can't see how you can argue against love and respect and admiration for others. The world needs mor Lees and Doms.

And more Shuris, too

Message approved.



Well. I don't know what it's from because I'm blehk today and don't have the mental energy to remember, but it states that God put everything on Earth to teach a lesson. Even atheism.

You see when an atheist does something kind like donate to charity, it's not because he believes that there's a God who would like him to do so, or anything remotely like that. It is because he does it from the goodness in his heart.

I'm not religious mind you, but I know this much.


I support it, it's not any different than heteroromantic marriage and should be treated the same. Marriage is marriage, no matter the romantic orientation. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone (read: pedophilia) it is the same thing.

Yes! That is exactly my point!

Mhm, some religions oppose it but religion is not a reason that it should be banned in the law.

Uhhh, actually it is, but I cant say anything about it because andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) might come and delete this board if I start putting out history and facts.

I mean that banning something because of a Christian view violates freedom of religion and belief. Anybody who wants to marry should have the right to. They might not believe that view and that's okay. Just like all people are equal, all religions and beliefs are equal.

@Knight-Shives group

65% of gay or bisexual young people experience homophobic bullying in school

Americans that support equal rights for LGBT people, held steady at 79 percent

But the number of respondents who said they would be somewhat or very uncomfortable having LGBT members of their faith communities, learning that a family member was LGBT, having their child taught by an LGBT teacher or study LGBT history in school, finding out that their doctor was LGBT, or even seeing same-sex couples holding hands all ticked upward.

60 percent of Americans, 80 percent of Canadians, and nearly 90 percent of Germans and Spaniards said society should accept homosexuality

A 2017 Gallup poll concluded that 4.5% of adult Americans identified as LGBT with 5.1% of women identifying as LGBT, compared with 3.9% of men.

37 percent of Americans said homosexual behavior is a sin

in 2005, just 36 percent of Americans favored allowing gay and lesbian people to marry legally.

As of 1 January 2019, same-sex marriage is legally performed and recognized (nationwide or in some jurisdictions) in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico,[a] the Netherlands,[b] New Zealand,[c] Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom,[d] the United States,[e] and Uruguay. Additionally, Armenia, Estonia, and Israel recognizes the marriages of same-sex couples validly entered into in other countries.

Same-sex marriage is also due to soon become legally performed and recognized in Costa Rica and Taiwan.

37 states and the District of Columbia had legalized gay marriage: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Most other states had enacted constitutional or statutory bans on same-sex marriage, known as "Defense of Marriage" Acts



I believe same sex marriage should be completely legal everywhere. Here's why

  • Other people's religious beliefs shouldn't dictate anybody else's lives. There are too many religions in this world and even in the US (Even though it's mostly Christian and Catholic).
  • Same sex marriage doesn't hurt anybody. Quite the opposite, actually. Gay people typically (but not always) adopt children, and there are plenty of children that need homes out there.
  • There are still too many LGBT+ people being harrassed and even killed because they're not accepted. LGBT+ teen suicide rates are high. They're not seen as normal. This can help us be seen as regular people, which we are. We're human. We should be treated as such.
  • There's literally no harm in this. Sure, it might make people uncomfortable, but that doesn't matter. People who don't shower make me uncomfortable. Looking up at the sky makes me uncomfortable, but I'm not trying to make people who skip showers criminals and I'm not trying to block out the sky, because it's not hurting me or anybody else.

Deleted user

I believe same sex marriage should be completely legal everywhere. Here's why

  • Other people's religious beliefs shouldn't dictate anybody else's lives. There are too many religions in this world and even in the US (Even though it's mostly Christian and Catholic).
  • Same sex marriage doesn't hurt anybody. Quite the opposite, actually. Gay people typically (but not always) adopt children, and there are plenty of children that need homes out there.
  • There are still too many LGBT+ people being harrassed and even killed because they're not accepted. LGBT+ teen suicide rates are high. They're not seen as normal. This can help us be seen as regular people, which we are. We're human. We should be treated as such.
  • There's literally no harm in this. Sure, it might make people uncomfortable, but that doesn't matter. People who don't shower make me uncomfortable. Looking up at the sky makes me uncomfortable, but I'm not trying to make people who skip showers criminals and I'm not trying to block out the sky, because it's not hurting me or anybody else.

Thank you for saying pretty much exactly what I wanted to!!!!!


Thx for sharing your stance about this subject, I like seeing other peoples view points, even if their type of views and statements are harsh.


I believe same sex marriage should be completely legal everywhere. Here's why

  • Other people's religious beliefs shouldn't dictate anybody else's lives. There are too many religions in this world and even in the US (Even though it's mostly Christian and Catholic).
  • Same sex marriage doesn't hurt anybody. Quite the opposite, actually. Gay people typically (but not always) adopt children, and there are plenty of children that need homes out there.
  • There are still too many LGBT+ people being harrassed and even killed because they're not accepted. LGBT+ teen suicide rates are high. They're not seen as normal. This can help us be seen as regular people, which we are. We're human. We should be treated as such.
  • There's literally no harm in this. Sure, it might make people uncomfortable, but that doesn't matter. People who don't shower make me uncomfortable. Looking up at the sky makes me uncomfortable, but I'm not trying to make people who skip showers criminals and I'm not trying to block out the sky, because it's not hurting me or anybody else.

Yes! Those are a few of the points I've made on my project. I think the last bulletpoint was a very good example of using a hyperbole to demonstrate your point.

Deleted user

I believe same sex marriage should be completely legal everywhere. Here's why

  • Other people's religious beliefs shouldn't dictate anybody else's lives. There are too many religions in this world and even in the US (Even though it's mostly Christian and Catholic).
  • Same sex marriage doesn't hurt anybody. Quite the opposite, actually. Gay people typically (but not always) adopt children, and there are plenty of children that need homes out there.
  • There are still too many LGBT+ people being harrassed and even killed because they're not accepted. LGBT+ teen suicide rates are high. They're not seen as normal. This can help us be seen as regular people, which we are. We're human. We should be treated as such.
  • There's literally no harm in this. Sure, it might make people uncomfortable, but that doesn't matter. People who don't shower make me uncomfortable. Looking up at the sky makes me uncomfortable, but I'm not trying to make people who skip showers criminals and I'm not trying to block out the sky, because it's not hurting me or anybody else.



Looking thought this chat it looks like everyone's getting heated up because their trying to hard to convince the other person of what they believe. (And thanks @SaltyLasagna, your post was is nice :)