forum What is your stance on same-sex marriage?
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

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Heyo, this chat looks like it got a lil heated, but I'd like to ask: are there any non-religious reasons why gay marriage should be illegal? Or did we all decide that the legality wasn't under review, but the morality?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This might surprise some people but I fully support Gay marriage even though I’m a Christian. I believe that god would want true happiness over anything, everyone is his child after all. My religion is somewhat tamer then others, I mean I know it’s said that anything homosexual is bad, but I just think it’s an overthought. If it really was bad, wouldn’t he go against it? I mean, it’s doesnt say that homosexuality is an actual sin, it might be somewhat stated in the Bible. My uncle (who is also a Christian) is gay, he was always ashamed of it but… you know what? You can’t change who you are, you can pretend but it won’t dhange it. You are you, if you love a guy, love him with all your heart, love the opposite gender? Love them just as much. I’m a lesbian myself, I have a family of christans, sure, my grandmother and grandfather were against it, but after seeing how happy my uncle was, and how happy my other gay family members were, they learned to respect it, now they fully support me being Lesbian. Say what you want about my religion, or how I’m saying my opinion completely wrong, this is what I think, and everyone is equal, they should all be happy, doesn’t matter what.

That's a good statement! I know how you feel to be honest

Yeah, christans sometimes assume things they read in the Bible, I wouldn’t mind being proven wrong, any other Christians find a quote from the Holy Bible that basically says “Homosexuality is a sin” to prove me wrong, no matter how it is, I just want to know if it’s actually true, I’ll be ashamed that I disobeyed my god, but still, wouldn’t god want us happy?

Btw, I am only responding to those who call themselves Christian. If you are not, feel free to disregard what I say because my faith has no intellectual jurisdiction over you.

Well Christianity teaches (at least the churches that follow the most closely what Jesus and the apostles taught.) that acting in homosexual acts is immoral.
Idk, should evil people be happy? (Stalin etc.)

Honesty is good.

"Assume things they read in the Bible"? Like, the holy book that's full of truth?
Sure God wants us happy. But that doesn't mean we will be or else bad things would never happen to us. Likewise, he also said stuff loke "Love your enemies." which is not happiness causing material.


You can explain what you think, but just as we were saying, all beliefs are equal.

What about beliefs like racism?

They may not be good, but they are equal.


I would like to add, please don't attack Christians. I am a Christian and I support same-sex marriage. (Wow this has really blown up! Thanks guys! I don't have time to read this all, but I'll brush over it sometime.)


That seems pretty messed up. I think you are wrong.

I don't believe racism is a good thing, but I think people have the right to believe that. As long as they don't act on it or say anything. Remember, we are talking about beliefs, not actual crimes.


Heyo, this chat looks like it got a lil heated, but I'd like to ask: are there any non-religious reasons why gay marriage should be illegal? Or did we all decide that the legality wasn't under review, but the morality?

Even though I side with same sex marriage, the only actual problem I see is biological kids. But even that has a soloution


Heyo, this chat looks like it got a lil heated, but I'd like to ask: are there any non-religious reasons why gay marriage should be illegal? Or did we all decide that the legality wasn't under review, but the morality?

Even though I side with same sex marriage, the only actual problem I see is biological kids. But even that has a soloution

Adoption would be a good solution. It would be more beneficial to give a kid a home than make a new one. At this point in time we do not need to grow the population.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

That seems pretty messed up. I think you are wrong.

I don't believe racism is a good thing, but I think people have the right to believe that. As long as they don't act on it or say anything. Remember, we are talking about beliefs, not actual crimes.

I agree.

Deleted user

I support same sex marriage because as a gay person, I want to marry the person I love and have all the same benefits/rights as hetero couples.


Alright I'm going to do my best to eloquently say this in the most kind nice, bestest way possible. I personally don't Agree with same Sex marriage, however I also don't think that people who practice same sex marriage are wrong, I do believe that if you love some one it is love and that love shouldn't be denied or called false. It's very difficult to explain where I stand on this topic, I don't Condone the act, but I will support what ever choice an individual makes concerning the topic. I may not agree with the practice but you can bet I'll still be at my Gay best friends wedding celebrating with the rest of the crowd.

Deleted user

Alright I'm going to do my best to eloquently say this in the most kind nice, bestest way possible. I personally don't Agree with same Sex marriage, however I also don't think that people who practice same sex marriage are wrong, I do believe that if you love some one it is love and that love shouldn't be denied or called false. It's very difficult to explain where I stand on this topic, I don't Condone the act, but I will support what ever choice an individual makes concerning the topic. I may not agree with the practice but you can bet I'll still be at my Gay best friends wedding celebrating with the rest of the crowd.

while I don't agree that same-sex relationships are wrong, you just earned a bazillion "cool person points' for being respectful, kind, and not rude.


Alright I'm going to do my best to eloquently say this in the most kind nice, bestest way possible. I personally don't Agree with same Sex marriage, however I also don't think that people who practice same sex marriage are wrong, I do believe that if you love some one it is love and that love shouldn't be denied or called false. It's very difficult to explain where I stand on this topic, I don't Condone the act, but I will support what ever choice an individual makes concerning the topic. I may not agree with the practice but you can bet I'll still be at my Gay best friends wedding celebrating with the rest of the crowd.

while I don't agree that same-sex relationships are wrong, you just earned a bazillion "cool person points' for being respectful, kind, and not rude.



Alright I'm going to do my best to eloquently say this in the most kind nice, bestest way possible. I personally don't Agree with same Sex marriage, however I also don't think that people who practice same sex marriage are wrong, I do believe that if you love some one it is love and that love shouldn't be denied or called false. It's very difficult to explain where I stand on this topic, I don't Condone the act, but I will support what ever choice an individual makes concerning the topic. I may not agree with the practice but you can bet I'll still be at my Gay best friends wedding celebrating with the rest of the crowd.

while I don't agree that same-sex relationships are wrong, you just earned a bazillion "cool person points' for being respectful, kind, and not rude.




Alright I'm going to do my best to eloquently say this in the most kind nice, bestest way possible. I personally don't Agree with same Sex marriage, however I also don't think that people who practice same sex marriage are wrong, I do believe that if you love some one it is love and that love shouldn't be denied or called false. It's very difficult to explain where I stand on this topic, I don't Condone the act, but I will support what ever choice an individual makes concerning the topic. I may not agree with the practice but you can bet I'll still be at my Gay best friends wedding celebrating with the rest of the crowd.

while I don't agree that same-sex relationships are wrong, you just earned a bazillion "cool person points' for being respectful, kind, and not rude.




Deleted user

This might surprise some people but I fully support Gay marriage even though I’m a Christian. I believe that god would want true happiness over anything, everyone is his child after all. My religion is somewhat tamer then others, I mean I know it’s said that anything homosexual is bad, but I just think it’s an overthought. If it really was bad, wouldn’t he go against it? I mean, it’s doesnt say that homosexuality is an actual sin, it might be somewhat stated in the Bible. My uncle (who is also a Christian) is gay, he was always ashamed of it but… you know what? You can’t change who you are, you can pretend but it won’t dhange it. You are you, if you love a guy, love him with all your heart, love the opposite gender? Love them just as much. I’m a lesbian myself, I have a family of christans, sure, my grandmother and grandfather were against it, but after seeing how happy my uncle was, and how happy my other gay family members were, they learned to respect it, now they fully support me being Lesbian. Say what you want about my religion, or how I’m saying my opinion completely wrong, this is what I think, and everyone is equal, they should all be happy, doesn’t matter what.

That's a good statement! I know how you feel to be honest

Yeah, christans sometimes assume things they read in the Bible, I wouldn’t mind being proven wrong, any other Christians find a quote from the Holy Bible that basically says “Homosexuality is a sin” to prove me wrong, no matter how it is, I just want to know if it’s actually true, I’ll be ashamed that I disobeyed my god, but still, wouldn’t god want us happy?

The 7th commandment

Good info in link

Thanks friend. So I guess I’m going against my religion, oof.

Deleted user

I’m a Lesbian, I mean, I know it’s wrong to love the same gender, but love is love,


I'm still stuck on the mistranslation thing
but at the same time I always wonder if homosexuality really is a sin, and if I'm actually a sinner, and it makes me want to pray and ask God what's really right? Should I be resisting temptation or is it okay to love who I love? It makes things really confusing for me and I hate to admit it because I've had some friends call me a "gay icon" but I'm actually secretly ashamed of my gender identity and sexuality.
I don't understand why God would make me a sinner for loving somebody of the same gender and I have trouble believing that it's a sin, but if it is then I would want to resist.
Sorry I don't usually talk about this stuff…

Deleted user

I'm still stuck on the mistranslation thing
but at the same time I always wonder if homosexuality really is a sin, and if I'm actually a sinner, and it makes me want to pray and ask God what's really right? Should I be resisting temptation or is it okay to love who I love? It makes things really confusing for me and I hate to admit it because I've had some friends call me a "gay icon" but I'm actually secretly ashamed of my gender identity and sexuality.
I don't understand why God would make me a sinner for loving somebody of the same gender and I have trouble believing that it's a sin, but if it is then I would want to resist.
Sorry I don't usually talk about this stuff…

I actually found a video by a lesbian animator named Katzun, she made a video about coming out that she was lesbian, even though she went to a very toxic catholic school that shoved anti homosexuality down her throught. I’ll find the video and think it if anyone’s interested, or just search up Katzun on YouTube, the video she made is called Coming Out, and all the points she made are very personal, and I relate to some things she says in the video… I recommended to everyone here even if you are against or for, it’s always nice to see someone’s opinions and experiences.