forum What is your stance on same-sex marriage?
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

people_alt 49 followers

@HighPockets group

I definitely support it as well, lovelies! Even though I'm probably not going to get married anyways but whatever, as long as people are allowed to share in a happy, ceremonial union with both of their consents.

Yeah same

@HighPockets group

But I find it odd that we, humans, and the smartest creatures on the plant but we're the only one that goes after people of the same sex, we're literally going against the law of nature.

Well animals do it too. But only when something is wrong in the pack I've heard. But my cats used to do it all the time. Weird.

My cats try to do it with random hair ties, fidget spinners, socks and other dumb objects thrown on the floor so that's actually pretty normal

I mean my cat tried to do it with a step (haha she tried to shag a shag-rugged step ok I'll stop now)

@Mercury Beta Tester

Or polysexual isn't valid and im actually Bi… which is more of a personal problem since I had someone mildly harass me about me actually being bi.

I didn't see that you've made a new account, I thought you'd left

I didn't recall exactly how I'd acted so since I've read your comment, I've gone back and checked what I said on the post and in the PM I sent to you. And I've realised that I basically acted as an intrusive jerk. I spoke badly for the posts, and acted rather arrogant in the PM. I wasn't aware of PM etiquette/culture, I rarely send Private Messages, but that's not an excuse. Now I can see it's harassment.

Truth be told, I still don't understand the difference between bisexuality and polysexuality with regards to the current definition of the former, but that doesn't justify how I tried to 'correct' you. I'm sorry for denying your identity and worsening your situation. I shouldn't have been rude towards you especially since I didn't know your family and religious situation. I hope your family can eventually reconcile, and also attraction to multiple genders/sexes is very rarely 50:50. The overwhelming majority of people have gender preferences too.

If I'm the reason you made your second account, I fully apologise for making you feel threatened. It was never my intention, but it's understandable that you would've felt that way.

I'm sorry.

@Mercury Beta Tester

I'll give my opinion on same sex marriage for @MidnightWarrior13 too. NB: I'm atheist and live in Western Europe (which tends towards being more liberal on LGBT+ matters than the US). There isn't anything wrong with being LGBT+, so there isn't anything wrong with same sex marriage by extension. I also see it as necessary to legalise to help achieve equality, so that LGBT+ people can have the same opportunities as heterosexual/cisgender people. It's pointless to deny that right or say it's wrong to be LGBT+ as no one chooses to be so (and certainly not for attention as some phobic people are so insistent on).

I've noticed that in previous replies on this thread that people are using religious scriptures to say why they think same sex marriage should not be legalised/made illegal but IMO there are two issues with that:

  • There are mistranslation issues that can make it hard to understand what was originally said or meant. There has been controversy over Leviticus 18 and 20, we even saw some debate about that in this thread. And there are lots of different versions of different scripture, such as the Bible (King James version, New International Version, God's Word Translation etc.), which complicates the matter further

  • It can't be equally applied to everybody because of the diversity of different religions and denominations in any country. If a certain law based on Protestantism was introduced nationally, would it be fair to apply it to Jews, Hindus, atheists etc. or even other Christians like Catholics? For instance, if marriage is defined according to Christianity as between a man and a woman, why should a non Christian, be prevented from marrying someone of the same gender?


Another issue I have with religious scripture being used to defend anti-LGBT laws in the USA, is that literally the first amendment to our Constitution states that religion and state should be seperate. Religion cannot dictate law, just as laws cannot dictate religion. This is literally in the Constitution. So unless there are any NON religious reasons same-sex marriage should be illegal, then the state has no reason for it to be. It's fine for religious people to take issue with homosexuality, but it's unconstitutional for that to bleed into our law.

Deleted user

Another issue I have with religious scripture being used to defend anti-LGBT laws in the USA, is that literally the first amendment to our Constitution states that religion and state should be seperate. Religion cannot dictate law, just as laws cannot dictate religion. This is literally in the Constitution. So unless there are any NON religious reasons same-sex marriage should be illegal, then the state has no reason for it to be. It's fine for religious people to take issue with homosexuality, but it's unconstitutional for that to bleed into our law.

THANK YOU!!! (also applicable to abortion issues as well.)


Another issue I have with religious scripture being used to defend anti-LGBT laws in the USA is that literally, the first amendment to our Constitution states that religion and state should be separate. Religion cannot dictate law, just as laws cannot dictate religion. This is literally in the Constitution. So unless there are any NON-religious reasons same-sex marriage should be illegal, then the state has no reason for it to be. It's fine for religious people to take issue with homosexuality, but it's unconstitutional for that to bleed into our law.

THANK YOU!!! (also applicable to abortion issues as well.)

(Actually, while I agree with the same-sex marriage should still be legal even if I disagree thing, there are many reasons abortion should be illegal that aren't directly tied to religion, I should be able to link some sources in a moment)

Deleted user

Another issue I have with religious scripture being used to defend anti-LGBT laws in the USA, is that literally the first amendment to our Constitution states that religion and state should be seperate. Religion cannot dictate law, just as laws cannot dictate religion. This is literally in the Constitution. So unless there are any NON religious reasons same-sex marriage should be illegal, then the state has no reason for it to be. It's fine for religious people to take issue with homosexuality, but it's unconstitutional for that to bleed into our law.

Now I totally agree with this, I should have remembered this before… religion is basically one of the only factors that can truly stop same sex marriage.


(Let's not get off topic

(okay fine, I'll only get off topic if people ask, and I probably shouldn't try to debate abortion today anyway because I'm still bitter after hearing the most awful, horrible, evil story about it in mass today… I've just felt sick to my stomach all day because of it and I know I'll end up having no understanding for the other side because I just cannot shake those horrible thoughts off my head)


Another issue I have with religious scripture being used to defend anti-LGBT laws in the USA, is that literally the first amendment to our Constitution states that religion and state should be seperate. Religion cannot dictate law, just as laws cannot dictate religion. This is literally in the Constitution. So unless there are any NON religious reasons same-sex marriage should be illegal, then the state has no reason for it to be. It's fine for religious people to take issue with homosexuality, but it's unconstitutional for that to bleed into our law.

I have actually though about that statement a lot and am using the first and fourteenth amendment to back that up in my debate. I think that is a good point and would also like to point out not everyone who is Christian thinks that either. Thanks for sharing!

Deleted user

Hello, I am a formerly Christian Pagan (AKA a witch, I don't think I can call myself Wiccan exactly because my theology is slightly different but I agree with a lot of their stuff). I fully support LGBTQIA+ marriage and it's rights. As a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, I may seem a little biased, but I won't judge your opinions whatever they are. (unless you are a heathen-sinner-scum that liked episodes 1-3 of Star Wars, then we gonna have words. JK, you like what you like.)

On the note of "you like what you like", that is true. I believe as long as the relationship is supportive and not abusive, it's a holy thing. Nobody can force a sexuality on someone, and actually, the LGBTQIA+ community doesn't make up that much of the population, so we have no intentions of "taking over everything". Another factor in my support is that LGBTQIA+ parents typically adopt, giving homes to children who need them most. Also, they aren't hurting you. I've heard of way more cases of straight rapes, (usually conducted by the male but this doesn't add much to my argument, and I want to be nice to this chat and not turn it into a dumpster fire, so I'll pass on this line of conversation) and very few cases of homosexual rapes, cuz we'd really rather not.

LGBTQIA+ people are forced out of their homes and jobs, denied healthcare and insurance, among much more, just because of who they are. I'm lucky that I'm still young and society is moving forward so far, so by the time I'm an adult most of this will be much better, but not everyone is so fortunate.

Back in the 90's, homosexual marriage was allowed in what was called a "civil partnership", everything marriage but the title. Now homosexual marriages are allowed, and people are getting less hate towards this, but the point still stands. We're improving, but not everything is moving as we'd like it.

If a marriage is loving and supportive, if a relationship is loving and supportive, if you love yourself and others and do no harm to yourself or others, then you're cool by me!

Sorry if my little speech here was a bit jumbled, I'm just giving my opinions that like make no sense because my writing is fucking terrible but whatever. Not all of this people will agree with, and I haven't even got into the nuances of this, but if it helps then I'm glad.


Yes, I was straight for a while, before I was even taught that it's okay to like girls too and found someone I liked. It was something I just kind of developed over time. That's a good point that you can't help that you're attracted to a certain gender. I actually used to be a homophobe because my family believes it's a sin and you believe what your family believes before you've made your own experiences. I try not to hate on homophobes, just try to prove there's nothing wrong with a LGTB+ relationship, because I have been in their shoes before. They just have heard the wrong things or had a bad experience. Hating on homophobes is similar to them hating us. It's wrong on both sides. Sorry to derail a little there, but thought this was needed to be put out there.

Deleted user

You can tear the Prequels out of my cold, dead hands
Also it's not a choice to be LGBTQIA+, you're born that way.

fight me

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(Let's not get off topic

(okay fine, I'll only get off topic if people ask, and I probably shouldn't try to debate abortion today anyway because I'm still bitter after hearing the most awful, horrible, evil story about it in mass today… I've just felt sick to my stomach all day because of it and I know I'll end up having no understanding for the other side because I just cannot shake those horrible thoughts off my head)

(New York?)

@HighPockets group

You can tear the Prequels out of my cold, dead hands
Also it's not a choice to be LGBTQIA+, you're born that way.

fight me

Without the Prequels there'd be no Clone Wars. Checkmate

Deleted user

You can tear the Prequels out of my cold, dead hands
Also it's not a choice to be LGBTQIA+, you're born that way.

fight me

Without the Prequels there'd be no Clone Wars. Checkmate