forum What is your stance on same-sex marriage?
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

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I support same-sex marriage.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
~The Declaration Of Independence

Who are we to deny marriage in our country? It's taking away the liberties and happiness of individuals. If we allow the government to take that away, then what does that influence on them? If we were to let the government take away and/or prevent same-sex marriage, who knows what they will try to take next.
Just my thoughts on it. ^~^

Exactly, I one hundred percent agree with you! You took the words right out of my mouth.

Thank you. :D


I've seen plenty of people take innocent beliefs and turn them into harmful, terrible ones. For example, a few of my family members (mostly cousins) are Baptists. They're good people, some of the nicest I know actually. They would never hate anyone, they're huge K-pop and anime fans, they are capable of talking to people without forcing their opinions, you know, like good humans. But then on the other side, there's this guy, who is a Baptist but is just offensively wrong on everything. He's made entire pages on how everything that isn't his exact, flawed viewpoint is WRONG and that you'll go to hell, yet he also says "Anyone can be saved!" (except for gays and Catholics, according to him they've gone too far and aren't worth saving) He backs up his statements with opinions instead of facts (Example: He tried to prove that abortion is murder by saying "Abortion doesn't make you un-pregnant, it makes you the mother of a dead child" which is basically the same as saying "it's murder because It is murder") and he's just a terrible person to everyone. (He made a whole article on why you shouldn't accept other people's opinions)

What's the point behind me saying this? Uhhhhh… I don't really know but I had a point when I started typing


This might surprise some people but I fully support Gay marriage even though I’m a Christian. I believe that god would want true happiness over anything, everyone is his child after all. My religion is somewhat tamer then others, I mean I know it’s said that anything homosexual is bad, but I just think it’s an overthought. If it really was bad, wouldn’t he go against it? I mean, it’s doesnt say that homosexuality is an actual sin, it might be somewhat stated in the Bible. My uncle (who is also a Christian) is gay, he was always ashamed of it but… you know what? You can’t change who you are, you can pretend but it won’t dhange it. You are you, if you love a guy, love him with all your heart, love the opposite gender? Love them just as much. I’m a lesbian myself, I have a family of christans, sure, my grandmother and grandfather were against it, but after seeing how happy my uncle was, and how happy my other gay family members were, they learned to respect it, now they fully support me being Lesbian. Say what you want about my religion, or how I’m saying my opinion completely wrong, this is what I think, and everyone is equal, they should all be happy, doesn’t matter what.

That's a good statement! I know how you feel to be honest

Yeah, christans sometimes assume things they read in the Bible, I wouldn’t mind being proven wrong, any other Christians find a quote from the Holy Bible that basically says “Homosexuality is a sin” to prove me wrong, no matter how it is, I just want to know if it’s actually true, I’ll be ashamed that I disobeyed my god, but still, wouldn’t god want us happy?

The 7th commandment

Good info in link

There's a debate over whether or not this was actually mistranslated, considering it wasn't even written in English at first.


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vadican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vadican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?


I'd also like to mention that I too am Christian and bisexual/pan

Ok, and I’m Roman Catholic and Heterosexual.

No I was responding to the one person's response about being Christian and lesbian


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vadican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make ever single copy be the same.
Plus it’s in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (2357 to 2359)


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vatican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make every single copy be the same.

I don't know what you're talking about, there are like forty thousand bazillion different English translations of the Bible.


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vatican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make every single copy be the same.

I don't know what you're talking about, there are like forty thousand bazillion different English translations of the Bible.

?? Every year they print out Bibles. + Baptist took some stuff out of the Bible so yeah it will be different. Other people translate it and usually it comes out different, or the way it was writing was to old English like so they changed it too. Of course there are different Bibles, oh and then there is a “Bible” for every religion.


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vadican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make ever single copy be the same.
Plus it’s in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (2357 to 2359)

Don't ever tell me "don't be silly" when having a debate with me. That's extremely rude and disrespectful. I completely respect your beliefs and opinions, and I expect the exact same from you. If you can't respect me, then I can't have this argument with you, and you shouldn't have this argument with anybody else either if you feel like your beliefs are superior to other people's beliefs and that you don't feel like you have to respect them.


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vatican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make every single copy be the same.

I don't know what you're talking about, there are like forty thousand bazillion different English translations of the Bible.

?? Every year they print out Bibles. + Baptist took some stuff out of the Bible so yeah it will be different. Other people translate it and usually it comes out different, or the way it was writing was to old English like so they changed it too. Of course there are different Bibles, oh and then there is a “Bible” for every religion.

Why are you putting Bible in quotations?


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vadican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make ever single copy be the same.
Plus it’s in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (2357 to 2359)

Don't ever tell me "don't be silly" when having a debate with me. That's extremely rude and disrespectful. I completely respect your beliefs and opinions, and I expect the exact same from you. If you can't respect me, then I can't have this argument with you, and you shouldn't have this argument with anybody else either if you feel like your beliefs are superior to other people's beliefs and that you don't feel like you have to respect them.

Yeah ok, but up there that was the last think I would expect someone to say.


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vatican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make every single copy be the same.

I don't know what you're talking about, there are like forty thousand bazillion different English translations of the Bible.

?? Every year they print out Bibles. + Baptist took some stuff out of the Bible so yeah it will be different. Other people translate it and usually, it comes out different, or the way it was writing was too old English like so they changed it too. Of course, there are different Bibles, oh and then there is a “Bible” for every religion.

So in other words, there is a chance that it might've been mistranslated?


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vadican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make ever single copy be the same.
Plus it’s in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (2357 to 2359)

Don't ever tell me "don't be silly" when having a debate with me. That's extremely rude and disrespectful. I completely respect your beliefs and opinions, and I expect the exact same from you. If you can't respect me, then I can't have this argument with you, and you shouldn't have this argument with anybody else either if you feel like your beliefs are superior to other people's beliefs and that you don't feel like you have to respect them.

Yeah ok, but up there that was the last think I would expect someone to say.

That doesn't matter. If I respect you, you respect me, or I will not bother to waste my time on a such a closed minded, egotistical person, which is the type of person you're starting to come off as to me.


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vatican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make every single copy be the same.

I don't know what you're talking about, there are like forty thousand bazillion different English translations of the Bible.

?? Every year they print out Bibles. + Baptist took some stuff out of the Bible so yeah it will be different. Other people translate it and usually it comes out different, or the way it was writing was to old English like so they changed it too. Of course there are different Bibles, oh and then there is a “Bible” for every religion.

Why are you putting Bible in quotations?

Because people have different Bibles! Lets say the person that’s reading this is a Muslim or some other religion, when they look at a Catholic Bible or a Bible that’s not their own religion they would not beleive in it, and probably think of everything inside it as a ‘joke’, (not care what’s in it and probably throw it away)


Anything in the bible could've been mistranslated. Language is extremely complicated, and the bible was written a very long time ago. There are words and phrases that could've meant something completely different than what we thought.


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vatican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make every single copy be the same.

I don't know what you're talking about, there are like forty thousand bazillion different English translations of the Bible.

?? Every year they print out Bibles. + Baptist took some stuff out of the Bible so yeah it will be different. Other people translate it and usually it comes out different, or the way it was writing was to old English like so they changed it too. Of course there are different Bibles, oh and then there is a “Bible” for every religion.

Why are you putting Bible in quotations?

Because people have different Bibles! Lets say the person that’s reading this is a Muslim or some other religion, when they look at a Catholic Bible or a Bible that’s not their own religion they would not beleive in it, and probably think of everything inside it as a ‘joke’, (not care what’s in it and probably throw it away)

Does this mean you view other bibles as a joke? Are you confirming my accusations of you being disrespectful? Because I would never, ever, damage a book that somebody considers sacred, even if I don't share their beliefs.


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vatican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make every single copy be the same.

I don't know what you're talking about, there are like forty thousand bazillion different English translations of the Bible.

?? Every year they print out Bibles. + Baptist took some stuff out of the Bible so yeah it will be different. Other people translate it and usually it comes out different, or the way it was writing was to old English like so they changed it too. Of course there are different Bibles, oh and then there is a “Bible” for every religion.

Why are you putting Bible in quotations?

Because people have different Bibles! Lets say the person that’s reading this is a Muslim or some other religion, when they look at a Catholic Bible or a Bible that’s not their own religion they would not beleive in it, and probably think of everything inside it as a ‘joke’, (not care what’s in it and probably throw it away)

Excuse me but I am Muslim and not in a million years would I throw away a Bible. I understand the importance of the Bible and I certainly don't think of it as a joke. I may not follow the Bible but I respect it.


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vadican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make ever single copy be the same.
Plus it’s in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (2357 to 2359)

Don't ever tell me "don't be silly" when having a debate with me. That's extremely rude and disrespectful. I completely respect your beliefs and opinions, and I expect the exact same from you. If you can't respect me, then I can't have this argument with you, and you shouldn't have this argument with anybody else either if you feel like your beliefs are superior to other people's beliefs and that you don't feel like you have to respect them.

Yeah ok, but up there that was the last think I would expect someone to say.

That doesn't matter. If I respect you, you respect me, or I will not bother to waste my time on a such a closed minded, egotistical person, which is the type of person you're starting to come off as to me.

That’s one thing I dislike about messaging people on the internet, you only get the words on the screen. They might say one thing that’s harsh or annoying and now the reader only thinks of that person as harsh and annoying. They never meet the person IRL and most likely will hate them forever. On screen argument the fighters don’t see the others person body language or how they would say those thinks, and maybe at the end of they day one is crying and the other is feeling guilty for what they said. I think on this site, which is ment for writing, politics should stay out of the subject.

@Mojack group

I’m fine with it.

I sometimes have discussions with my father and one of the topics one day that came into it was LGBT. Of course, this would also involve marriage. We also talked about it in general.

What I like to say today for speaking about this is marriage is an agreement of two people (usually, but that’s a debate for another day) who understand and love each other. That’s it. That’s all there is to it. I respect them and other people’s opinions on the topic of gay marriage however. As other people said before, the only think that might need a bit of questioning is age, but this is more so speaking about same-sex marriage.

In all honesty I’m a bit of a centrist of most topics but this is one of my favourite things to discuss respectfully.


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vatican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make every single copy be the same.

I don't know what you're talking about, there are like forty thousand bazillion different English translations of the Bible.

?? Every year they print out Bibles. + Baptist took some stuff out of the Bible so yeah it will be different. Other people translate it and usually it comes out different, or the way it was writing was to old English like so they changed it too. Of course there are different Bibles, oh and then there is a “Bible” for every religion.

Why are you putting Bible in quotations?

Because people have different Bibles! Lets say the person that’s reading this is a Muslim or some other religion, when they look at a Catholic Bible or a Bible that’s not their own religion they would not beleive in it, and probably think of everything inside it as a ‘joke’, (not care what’s in it and probably throw it away)

Excuse me but I am Muslim and not in a million years would I throw away a Bible. I understand the importance of the Bible and I certainly don't think of it as a joke. I may not follow the Bible but I respect it.

… oh my gosh 😓… I’m not saying they would!!! I’m just trying to get my point acrosss to the other person! No other religion was coming to mind that’s why I said “or some other religion”. (And that one word what’s not focusing on you, I did not even know your were Muslim)


That’s one thing I dislike about messaging people on the internet, you only get the words on the screen. They might say one thing that’s harsh or annoying and now the reader only thinks of that person as harsh and annoying. They never meet the person IRL and most likely will hate them forever. On-screen argument the fighters don’t see the others person body language or how they would say those things, and maybe at the end of the day one is crying and the other is feeling guilty for what they said. I think on this site, which is meant for writing, politics should stay out of the subject.

I have been in that situation before, and tbh I kinda agree with you


I have info about that too, but it’s not coming to me at the moment. (There are many quotes on this subject, they could not ALL be mistranslated, the Vadican did not put the Bible together in a day, it took centuries to translated it and put it all together)

They could definitely have all been mistranslated. Don't say they couldn't have, because there's always the possibility. What if those all originated from one mistranslation?

No, don’t be silly, it’s in the Bible. In Alixandria, I forgot with person and time, they took 40 or 50 scribes and told them to translate the Bible, when they got the translations back they were ALL the same, God had to be with them to make ever single copy be the same.
Plus it’s in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (2357 to 2359)

Don't ever tell me "don't be silly" when having a debate with me. That's extremely rude and disrespectful. I completely respect your beliefs and opinions, and I expect the exact same from you. If you can't respect me, then I can't have this argument with you, and you shouldn't have this argument with anybody else either if you feel like your beliefs are superior to other people's beliefs and that you don't feel like you have to respect them.

Yeah ok, but up there that was the last think I would expect someone to say.

That doesn't matter. If I respect you, you respect me, or I will not bother to waste my time on a such a closed minded, egotistical person, which is the type of person you're starting to come off as to me.

That’s one thing I dislike about messaging people on the internet, you only get the words on the screen. They might say one thing that’s harsh or annoying and now the reader only thinks of that person as harsh and annoying. They never meet the person IRL and most likely will hate them forever. On screen argument the fighters don’t see the others person body language or how they would say those thinks, and maybe at the end of they day one is crying and the other is feeling guilty for what they said. I think on this site, which is ment for writing, politics should stay out of the subject.

What if we're writing about politics? Like the person who started this thread is?
Maybe if you didn't want anybody to perceive you in the way I did, you should choose your words carefully. And of course, I'm not going think of you as harsh and annoying for the rest of your life because of one thing you said. Rather, multiple things that made you come across as rude, inconsiderate, and like I said, egotistical. There are other people of other religions here. You have called other people's thoughts silly, suggested that you think of some religions as a joke, and you have not offered any form of an apology or rephrased your words so that you didn't seem like the person you are so obviously coming off as right now.
Choose your words carefully. Here, we cannot hear your tone nor see your body language or facial expressions. We are forming an opinion on you based solely off of what you say. Take time to think about how you want others to see you.