forum What is your stance on same-sex marriage?
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

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I feel the same way, Jensen. My family thinks it's a sin, and even I used to think so. It's hard to know. I want to think that's it's not, but it really could be. This has been hard for me.


I'm still stuck on the mistranslation thing
but at the same time I always wonder if homosexuality really is a sin, and if I'm actually a sinner, and it makes me want to pray and ask God what's really right? Should I be resisting temptation or is it okay to love who I love? It makes things really confusing for me and I hate to admit it because I've had some friends call me a "gay icon" but I'm actually secretly ashamed of my gender identity and sexuality.
I don't understand why God would make me a sinner for loving somebody of the same gender and I have trouble believing that it's a sin, but if it is then I would want to resist.
Sorry I don't usually talk about this stuff…

I actually found a video by a lesbian animator named Katzun, she made a video about coming out that she was lesbian, even though she went to a very toxic catholic school that shoved anti homosexuality down her throught. I’ll find the video and think it if anyone’s interested, or just search up Katzun on YouTube, the video she made is called Coming Out, and all the points she made are very personal, and I relate to some things she says in the video… I recommended to everyone here even if you are against or for, it’s always nice to see someone’s opinions and experiences.

I'm interested.


I'm writing a religion focused essay right now (actually I'm just preparing for a timed essay, writing my thesis and getting some quotes) and it's interesting. I'm actually writing an argument that's against what I believe because I can find a lot more information/proof arguing against my religion, and the more interesting my essay is the better score I get
wanna see my thesis?


Here's the quote I'm writing my essay on
“Pray: To ask the laws of the universe to be annulled on behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.”
-Ambrose Bierce
Here's my thesis
Bierce is correct in the sense that prayer has not proven to be able to break the laws of probability; however, Bierce misses the psychological benefit of prayer.

Deleted user

So who wants to talk about being a Christian and struggling with sexual identity. I would love to understand where you're coming from.

I'm Christian and I struggle a lot… My family is extremely homophobic. It hurts how I can't talk to my family about it. And I've been paranoid that people on here would think I'm faking it for attention since I discovered my sexuality very suddenly.
I'm Polysexual. I would love nearly anyone, as long as they're a good person.
See… I'm not outed but I admitted to being supportive of the LBGT+ community. This led to my mother freaking out on me and getting their agenda pushed down my throat.
I don't understand why love is so wrong… why male x female is always #1 when the only thing that differences them is their body and genitals. Shouldn't soul to soul be more important? I struggle in my faith over multiple topics, this being one. It feels so betraying, to be "condemned to hell" for loving people.
I also struggle with my identity, because I have a preference for males. I sometimes think I'm straight and im lying to myself. Or polysexual isn't valid and im actually Bi… which is more of a personal problem since I had someone mildly harass me about me actually being bi. I think there's something's wrong with me when I look at my family and the Bible.

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Well what I've found is that the Bible and church teach that it's wrong. What do you believe counteracts that?

I don't know… I really don't… I'm not the type to heavily discuss things like this. Probably the mistranslation… but it just seems so… off.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Sorry. Just I'd like to see how someone who calls themselves Christian can find a way to go against the teachings of the church/Bible given by God. (Not trying to sound passive aggressive. I'm actually wondering.)

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It's not my business. That stuff is between you and God. If you want to talk though I might be able to help.

Sorry, sorry…

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I just feel like I crossed the line and made you uncomfortable…


I fully support same-sex marriage. Everyone has a right to get married as long as it's a healthy relationship. Also it's not like we're hurting anybody. But everyone has a right to express their opinions and as long as you don't attack people it's fine

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Nah way. My best friend here is Eris. And she is a magic using bisexual who supports many many things I strongly disagree with. So we talk about it, but we don't think the other person is evil or an idiot or anything like.
What I mean is, I will not get super offended or uncomfortable no matter what you say.

Deleted user

Nah way. My best friend here is Eris. And she is a magic using bisexual who supports many many things I strongly disagree with. So we talk about it, but we don't think the other person is evil or an idiot or anything like.
What I mean is, I will not get super offended or uncomfortable no matter what you say.
