forum What is your stance on same-sex marriage?
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

people_alt 49 followers

@Mojack group

That’s one thing I dislike about messaging people on the internet, you only get the words on the screen. They might say one thing that’s harsh or annoying and now the reader only thinks of that person as harsh and annoying. They never meet the person IRL and most likely will hate them forever. On-screen argument the fighters don’t see the others person body language or how they would say those things, and maybe at the end of the day one is crying and the other is feeling guilty for what they said. I think on this site, which is meant for writing, politics should stay out of the subject.

I have been in that situation before, and tbh I kinda agree with you

I agree as well, I just got in that situation today and someone called me ‘sick’ (not in the terms of wellness either) but I’m going a bit off topic here


Why are you putting Bible in quotations?

Because people have different Bibles! Lets say the person that’s reading this is a Muslim or some other religion, when they look at a Catholic Bible or a Bible that’s not their own religion they would not beleive in it, and probably think of everything inside it as a ‘joke’, (not care what’s in it and probably throw it away)

Excuse me but I am Muslim and not in a million years would I throw away a Bible. I understand the importance of the Bible and I certainly don't think of it as a joke. I may not follow the Bible but I respect it.

… oh my gosh 😓… I’m not saying they would!!! I’m just trying to get my point acrosss to the other person! No other religion was coming to mind that’s why I said “or some other religion”. (And that one word what’s not focusing on you, I did not even know your were Muslim)



That’s one thing I dislike about messaging people on the internet, you only get the words on the screen. They might say one thing that’s harsh or annoying and now the reader only thinks of that person as harsh and annoying. They never meet the person IRL and most likely will hate them forever. On-screen argument the fighters don’t see the others person body language or how they would say those things, and maybe at the end of the day one is crying and the other is feeling guilty for what they said. I think on this site, which is meant for writing, politics should stay out of the subject.

I have been in that situation before, and tbh I kinda agree with you

I agree as well, I just got in that situation today and someone called me ‘sick’ (not in the terms of wellness either) but I’m going a bit off topic here

People wonder why I always try to defend even the worst of arguments, it's because half the time they aren't bad people and it seems unfair for me to judge them for what could just be simple miscommunication.


Why are you putting Bible in quotations?

Because people have different Bibles! Lets say the person that’s reading this is a Muslim or some other religion, when they look at a Catholic Bible or a Bible that’s not their own religion they would not beleive in it, and probably think of everything inside it as a ‘joke’, (not care what’s in it and probably throw it away)

Excuse me but I am Muslim and not in a million years would I throw away a Bible. I understand the importance of the Bible and I certainly don't think of it as a joke. I may not follow the Bible but I respect it.

… oh my gosh 😓… I’m not saying they would!!! I’m just trying to get my point acrosss to the other person! No other religion was coming to mind that’s why I said “or some other religion”. (And that one word what’s not focusing on you, I did not even know your were Muslim)


(And yet you try to fight again)
IRL ok??? Can’t people use references without others blowing up? People have used my religion as a very bad reference but I stayed quiet! (And they never even said sorry, they actully ment it)


Why are you putting Bible in quotations?

Because people have different Bibles! Lets say the person that’s reading this is a Muslim or some other religion, when they look at a Catholic Bible or a Bible that’s not their own religion they would not beleive in it, and probably think of everything inside it as a ‘joke’, (not care what’s in it and probably throw it away)

Excuse me but I am Muslim and not in a million years would I throw away a Bible. I understand the importance of the Bible and I certainly don't think of it as a joke. I may not follow the Bible but I respect it.

… oh my gosh 😓… I’m not saying they would!!! I’m just trying to get my point acrosss to the other person! No other religion was coming to mind that’s why I said “or some other religion”. (And that one word what’s not focusing on you, I did not even know your were Muslim)


(And yet you try to fight again)
IRL ok??? Can’t people use references without others blowing up? People have used my religion as a very bad reference but I stayed quiet! (And they never even said sorry, they actully ment it)

All I'm saying here is that you contradicted your own words. I'm not trying to fight, just pointing that out in case you didn't notice.


Also, posting this again in case y'all didn't see it bc I think it's very important

What if we're writing about politics? Like the person who started this thread is?
Maybe if you didn't want anybody to perceive you in the way I did, you should choose your words carefully. And of course, I'm not going think of you as harsh and annoying for the rest of your life because of one thing you said. Rather, multiple things that made you come across as rude, inconsiderate, and like I said, egotistical. There are other people of other religions here. You have called other people's thoughts silly, suggested that you think of some religions as a joke, and you have not offered any form of an apology or rephrased your words so that you didn't seem like the person you are so obviously coming off as right now.
Choose your words carefully. Here, we cannot hear your tone nor see your body language or facial expressions. We are forming an opinion on you based solely off of what you say. Take time to think about how you want others to see you.


That’s one thing I dislike about messaging people on the internet, you only get the words on the screen. They might say one thing that’s harsh or annoying and now the reader only thinks of that person as harsh and annoying. They never meet the person IRL and most likely will hate them forever. On-screen argument the fighters don’t see the others person body language or how they would say those things, and maybe at the end of the day one is crying and the other is feeling guilty for what they said. I think on this site, which is meant for writing, politics should stay out of the subject.

I have been in that situation before, and tbh I kinda agree with you

I agree as well, I just got in that situation today and someone called me ‘sick’ (not in the terms of wellness either) but I’m going a bit off topic here

People wonder why I always try to defend even the worst of arguments, it's because half the time they aren't bad people and it seems unfair for me to judge them for what could just be simple miscommunication.

Yeah, even for people that are on this site that go into a rage about something I said, I don’t look back at them and say their bad people, even here on this site/page I will forgive them, even if they keep on bringing up post from when I was angry and writing out my response in a quick and unclean manner.


That’s one thing I dislike about messaging people on the internet, you only get the words on the screen. They might say one thing that’s harsh or annoying and now the reader only thinks of that person as harsh and annoying. They never meet the person IRL and most likely will hate them forever. On-screen argument the fighters don’t see the others person body language or how they would say those things, and maybe at the end of the day one is crying and the other is feeling guilty for what they said. I think on this site, which is meant for writing, politics should stay out of the subject.

I have been in that situation before, and tbh I kinda agree with you

I agree as well, I just got in that situation today and someone called me ‘sick’ (not in the terms of wellness either) but I’m going a bit off topic here

People wonder why I always try to defend even the worst of arguments, it's because half the time they aren't bad people and it seems unfair for me to judge them for what could just be simple miscommunication.

Yeah, even for people that are on this site that go into a rage about something I said, I don’t look back at them and say their bad people, even here on this site/page I will forgive them, even if they keep on bringing up post from when I was angry and writing out my response in a quick and unclean manner.

Just know that I will never judge you, I know how easy it is to get carried away and say things without thinking, believe me, I've done it more than once…


That’s one thing I dislike about messaging people on the internet, you only get the words on the screen. They might say one thing that’s harsh or annoying and now the reader only thinks of that person as harsh and annoying. They never meet the person IRL and most likely will hate them forever. On-screen argument the fighters don’t see the others person body language or how they would say those things, and maybe at the end of the day one is crying and the other is feeling guilty for what they said. I think on this site, which is meant for writing, politics should stay out of the subject.

I have been in that situation before, and tbh I kinda agree with you

I agree as well, I just got in that situation today and someone called me ‘sick’ (not in the terms of wellness either) but I’m going a bit off topic here

People wonder why I always try to defend even the worst of arguments, it's because half the time they aren't bad people and it seems unfair for me to judge them for what could just be simple miscommunication.

Yeah, even for people that are on this site that go into a rage about something I said, I don’t look back at them and say their bad people, even here on this site/page I will forgive them, even if they keep on bringing up post from when I was angry and writing out my response in a quick and unclean manner.

Just know that I will never judge you, I know how easy it is to get carried away and say things without thinking, believe me, I've done it more than once…

hey, remember that thing where I said choose your words carefully? Because, you know, we can't hear tones or perceive body language haha you know that whole message I posted twice
maybe take some of that advice?? it kinda helps if you legitimately don't want to seem like a jerk????


That’s one thing I dislike about messaging people on the internet, you only get the words on the screen. They might say one thing that’s harsh or annoying and now the reader only thinks of that person as harsh and annoying. They never meet the person IRL and most likely will hate them forever. On-screen argument the fighters don’t see the others person body language or how they would say those things, and maybe at the end of the day one is crying and the other is feeling guilty for what they said. I think on this site, which is meant for writing, politics should stay out of the subject.

I have been in that situation before, and tbh I kinda agree with you

I agree as well, I just got in that situation today and someone called me ‘sick’ (not in the terms of wellness either) but I’m going a bit off topic here

People wonder why I always try to defend even the worst of arguments, it's because half the time they aren't bad people and it seems unfair for me to judge them for what could just be simple miscommunication.

Yeah, even for people that are on this site that go into a rage about something I said, I don’t look back at them and say their bad people, even here on this site/page I will forgive them, even if they keep on bringing up post from when I was angry and writing out my response in a quick and unclean manner.

Just know that I will never judge you, I know how easy it is to get carried away and say things without thinking, believe me, I've done it more than once…

hey, remember that thing where I said choose your words carefully? Because, you know, we can't hear tones or perceive body language, haha you know that whole message I posted twice
maybe take some of that advice?? it kinda helps if you legitimately don't want to seem like a jerk????

Yeah but sometimes, usually when I'm tired or had a bad day, I tend to forget that advice, so I'm guessing the same thing probably happens to Golden


We all say stupid things in the moment so I'm not that angry. But please choose your words because on the internet it's harder to take it back. And please don't excuse yourself on a bad day. I understand those days too but make sure you watch the words you say regardless


Everyone should think before they speak. Not doing so will result in disaster. Especially on here, as everyone has strong values and beliefs.
But nobody is angry.

Speak for yourself. I’m very very irritated.


From now on in this conversation can we just stop judging and use it for what it was actually meant for, you know, a place to voice opinions on a subject so Midnight could have her project? Thank you


Everyone should think before they speak. Not doing so will result in disaster. Especially on here, as everyone has strong values and beliefs.
But nobody is angry.

Speak for yourself. I’m very very irritated.

I'm rather irked as well… It's not that hard to remember to be nice and respectful? Even in a debate. And if you find yourself in a position of not being able to maintain that, it's okay to admit you need to take a break (it's totally understandable too) or are unable to continue without coming off a certain way?


From now on in this conversation can we just stop judging and use it for what it was actually meant for, you know, a place to voice opinions on a subject so Midnight could have her project? Thank you

We’ve been doing that this whole time. What we need to focus on is being respectful.
In my opinion, if you can’t be respectful, you shouldn’t be debating anything.


I do not support it because I believe my religion is true and my religion says it is wrong. Nonetheless, I do not think it should be legally prohibited. I'm a Libertarian so as long as it doesn't directly hurt someone else, I think you should be free to do it.

Okay see, this is what I wish everyone was like when it comes to stuff like this. You don't have to support everything, or stand for anything you don't believe in, but that shouldn't mean that you should police what others can do only because you don't like it.

I support it of course, because I myself would like to get married to my girlfriend at some point, and I don't really want our future happiness, or even something as simple as being able to see each other in the hospital, to be taken away because other people don't support something that doesn't even have anything to do with them.

Deleted user

Beanz I support you wholeheartedly and agree with everything you said.

Deleted user

I’m more of an in-between. I don’t support it, but I’m not against it, either. My religion prohibits it, but not everyone follows my religion, so I neither speak against it, nor for it. I’m on neutral territory. Everyone has the right to make their own decisions.


I’m more of an in-between. I don’t support it, but I’m not against it, either. My religion prohibits it, but not everyone follows my religion, so I neither speak against it, nor for it. I’m on neutral territory. Everyone has the right to make their own decisions.

Yeah, same