forum What is your stance on same-sex marriage?
Started by @m1dn1g7t_ri0ts_13

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I couldn't care less about it.
Note I am not saying I like, or dislike it.
I am only saying that I will accept it where I see it, because honestly it is none of my buisness. I do not care who you love, what they look like, or what gender they are. I couldn't care less if you loved/married an alien from Mars.
What I care about is not weather or not your skin colors match, or what sex you are/choose to be.
I care about how you treat people. If the relationship is healthy, then awesome! Live your lives! I won't stop you!
If the relation ship is abusing, or bad for one person, then there is a problem. Same goes for when you impact my life; if you are going to try and tell me I should be a lesbian, then we have a major issue. If you are going to harass others to be like or unlike anything, we have an issue.
But if you choose to do something for yourself, I choose to say that I have no say in your life, so long as your choices, don't impact my life in ways that don't need to happen.


I couldn't care less about it.
Note I am not saying I like or dislike it.
I am only saying that I will accept it where I see it because honestly, it is none of my business. I do not care who you love, what they look like, or what gender they are. I couldn't care less if you loved/married an alien from Mars.
What I care about is not whether or not your skin colors match, or what sex you are/choose to be.
I care about how you treat people. If the relationship is healthy, then awesome! Live your lives! I won't stop you!
If the relationship is abusing, or bad for one person, then there is a problem. Same goes for when you impact my life; if you are going to try and tell me I should be a lesbian, then we have a major issue. If you are going to harass others to be like or unlike anything, we have an issue.
But if you choose to do something for yourself, I choose to say that I have no say in your life, so long as your choices, don't impact my life in ways that don't need to happen.

I know if I say anything more about how much I agree with this that I'm going to mess up and destroy everything, so I'm just going to answer simply:

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And I understand if people choose not to accept the community, but that still doesn’t make it right to attack us, or discriminate against us, or tell us we’re going to hell. I’m a believer myself and if God wishes to condemn me to Hell for how I feel, I’ll have to accept that. But I swear, I’ll never stand for the Devil, I will always side with the Lord. I believe that the Father wouldn’t condemn His children for that but what do I know.

Attack, no. Discriminate, yes. (If you take the word literally and recognize a distinction and then act on it.) Tell them they are going to hell, yes. This is a free country with free speech. I support the right of someone to cuss me out in a public place for any reason so long as they do not do something illegal like attack me.


Please clarify Love vs Luv.

Please note I did not write this, this was a part of a sermon. But you asked so I must show you.

“Love want what is best for the loved one. Love makes sacrificed. St. Paul: “Love is the bond of perfection.”
Marriage vows seek to make Love the bond of perfection. Expressed in the Marital Act.
The marital act must be life giving and love giving…. In the order (They are hierarchical). Last of all, it is a remedy of concomitance. Using technical language, each act must be procreative and unitive. {So Love is be procreating)
Not the hierarchy… if act not open to life, then it loses its unitive end too. Love turned into LUV
LUV seeks what brings pleasure to self, often regardless of the marriage bond or the hierarchy of goods.

Failures to LOVE
Impurity with self: That is not live giving and not love giving. Gravely sinful. Pure lust is Luv.
Impurity with someone of the same gender (Sodom and Gomorrah): That is not life giving and it is not love giving. Such people normal have hundreds of partner a year. This is a sin crying to heaven for vengeance. It is unnatural.
Impurity with someone of the opposite sex. Even if it is aimed towards being life giving and love giving, the true sigh of this will be the willingness to wait for the perfect bond of marriage. Thus, all extramarital act will end up being sinful… even if trying to be good… they will fall into LUV because God is not behind them. It takes three to get married.”


And I understand if people choose not to accept the community, but that still doesn’t make it right to attack us, or discriminate against us, or tell us we’re going to hell. I’m a believer myself and if God wishes to condemn me to Hell for how I feel, I’ll have to accept that. But I swear, I’ll never stand for the Devil, I will always side with the Lord. I believe that the Father wouldn’t condemn His children for that but what do I know.

Attack, no. Discriminate, yes. (If you take the word literally and recognize a distinction and then act on it.) Tell them they are going to hell, yes. This is a free country with free speech. I support the right of someone to cuss me out in a public place for any reason so long as they do not do something illegal like attack me.

As a member of the community, I actually agree with Dom. This is a place of free speech. Of course I certainly don't advocate for or welcome quarreling of any sort, nor do I agree in the slightest with those of prejudice beliefs, but I again, do believe in free speech. Mostly because I'm not a talker and I deal with my problems in different ways, but still.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

All right. Thank you for clarifying. But is there someone that can give me a secular definition? (I mean, I'm a religious dude myself, but I'm not entirely sure your explanation would work for the masses.) (Golden Legend.) ^^


And I understand if people choose not to accept the community, but that still doesn’t make it right to attack us, or discriminate against us, or tell us we’re going to hell. I’m a believer myself and if God wishes to condemn me to Hell for how I feel, I’ll have to accept that. But I swear, I’ll never stand for the Devil, I will always side with the Lord. I believe that the Father wouldn’t condemn His children for that but what do I know.

Attack, no. Discriminate, yes. (If you take the word literally and recognize a distinction and then act on it.) Tell them they are going to hell, yes. This is a free country with free speech. I support the right of someone to cuss me out in a public place for any reason so long as they do not do something illegal like attack me.

I said that wrong, what I mean is, why is it necessary for you to say “you’re going to hell” if someone is out, that’s not going to suddenly make them “change” you do make a good point though.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I said that wrong, what I mean is, why is it necessary for you to say “you’re going to hell” if someone is out, that’s not going to suddenly make them “change” you do make a good point though.

Not. It's a bad way. Also one frowned upon by devout people and disregarded by logical ones.


All right. Thank you for clarifying. But is there someone that can give me a secular definition? (I mean, I'm a religious dude myself, but I'm not entirely sure your explanation would work for the masses.) (Golden Legend.) ^^

Oh, from what I see and what I can put together:

Love is when you truly care for that person that you want to be bonded by marriage, Love is that you're not afraid to say your opinion because you love the person and what them to know what you think {Even if it means hurting their feelings}. You love them because you want to be with them and start a family (<_ For the person you want to get married to) Love is not lust, if you want them only for yourself and overprotect them from other girls (If you a girl) that is lust, that is not love.

(Yes, you should love everyone but not in a way that you want to get married… if they're the same sex)

LUV is when you are lustful about the person. You will do everything in your power to keep them with you (So you lie and change your entire being so they will stay with you). You never actually say your full opinion if that means hurting their feeling and losing them. You want sexual pleasure (For adults, I don't think people on this site are that…uh..bad) and you don't want children (Love is lifegiving). And truth be told, from what I have seen, people that do LUV never are truly happy, they are always misfits, they have this empty look in their eyes.

JTS, I do not hate people that are gay, I hate the sin.

(Uhh, for a really short version, (If I can get it that small) Love want procreation and LUV wants pleasure. {{We are born on a battlefield, not a playground, life will never be easy}}


I support it, it's not any different than heteroromantic marriage and should be treated the same. Marriage is marriage, no matter the romantic orientation. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone (read: pedophilia) it is the same thing.

Yes! That is exactly my point!

Deleted user

I support it, it's not any different than heteroromantic marriage and should be treated the same. Marriage is marriage, no matter the romantic orientation. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone (read: pedophilia) it is the same thing.

Yes! That is exactly my point!

Mhm, some religions oppose it but religion is not a reason that it should be banned in the law.


I support it, it's not any different than heteroromantic marriage and should be treated the same. Marriage is marriage, no matter the romantic orientation. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone (read: pedophilia) it is the same thing.

Yes! That is exactly my point!

Mhm, some religions oppose it but religion is not a reason that it should be banned in the law.

Uhhh, actually it is, but I cant say anything about it because andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) might come and delete this board if I start putting out history and facts.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I support it, it's not any different than heteroromantic marriage and should be treated the same. Marriage is marriage, no matter the romantic orientation. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone (read: pedophilia) it is the same thing.

Yes! That is exactly my point!

Mhm, some religions oppose it but religion is not a reason that it should be banned in the law.

Very religious person agreeing here. (To the last one.)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I support it, it's not any different than heteroromantic marriage and should be treated the same. Marriage is marriage, no matter the romantic orientation. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone (read: pedophilia) it is the same thing.

Yes! That is exactly my point!

Mhm, some religions oppose it but religion is not a reason that it should be banned in the law.

Uhhh, actually it is, but I cant say anything about it because andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) might come and delete this board if I start putting out history and facts.

Just because it is immoral does not necessarily mean it should be illegal. Convince me otherwise.


If I do try to convince you (And I wish I could) I fear andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) will come in and delete this board (Like I said). The title of this thread literally says "What is your stance on same-sex marriage?" so I am saying my "stance" about same sex marriage.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

If I do try to convince you (And I wish I could) I fear andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) will come in and delete this board (Like I said). The title of this thread literally says "What is your stance on same-sex marriage?" so I am saying my "stance" about same sex marriage.

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) is pretty cool about these things so long as everyone is chill and respectful.


So you say it is immoral? and it is.

Yes. I am a very traditional Christian and hold fast to the old beliefs. But why should it be illegal?

Have you read Noah's Ark or Sodom and Gomorrah, that all happened because of them. Don't even get me start about Noahs Ark, its horrible what people today did after the Ark landed on that mountain.