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Aaron Rough Sketch
This was a (very)rough sketch sitting on Aaron's page. Decided to post so y'all have a better idea what he looks like. For some reason it doesn't show it upright unless you open it in a new tab?


It's actually really interesting because I definitely wanted characters to have different views of Nysaxiope generally because of the fact that sirens get lumped with mermaids and fish and get mistaken for useless (not saying mermaids are useless, they just don't really have any other powers other that being really pretty) often and of course that's said by everyone who's never seen the true horrors sirens cause


Hey is anyone actually interested in shipping characters? I don't have any in mind but if you have some then just kinda y'know put em out there


Actually I have something interesting to say now that you mentioned that. Generally Aaron doesn't actually care who or what someone is so long as they aren't causing any immediate danger. Though he does know how dangerous non-human creatures can be. It's actually why he was pushed over the edge when no one would listen to what he had to say, constantly being told it wasn't his place to try and step in. So from there his downfall into villainy came after Corru realized it was the perfect chance to carry out revenge, turning any plans Aaron had into a twisted version of themselves and convincing Aaron it would help everyone. Aaron really does think he's doing the right thing and helping, even if he is bad interacting with people in a friendly way.
So yeah…. That's why he's my villain…. I ranted ;-;
Also I'm not really one to ship characters. Aaron needs a hug and a friend with his personality though. lol


Luckily my character is a fantastic hugger. Can they attempt to become friends or at least have Nysaxiope try to become friends with him once neither of them are pissed at every single person around them?