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Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


I love both as well! Also I love foxes so……… :D
In case you couldn't tell from Aaron's reaction there's a reason my characters have to be willing to fight. Otherwise the plot would end very quickly if they decided they didn't care. lol


Also Shadow Night. I don't know why it's so funny to me the Nykidia is like "It's my fault now go away." and Night's ready to slap Aaron. Also Nysaxiope is still in the restaurant. XD

@Shadow_Knight group

Yeah Night tends to be very impulsive. So most of the time Night is like "Let me beat the crap out of this person." And Nykidia is like "JFC Night, Calm down." As she is holding Night back from whatever fight Night is about to get into.


I kind of want to know how badly Aaron's reaction messed things up. Does Nykidia hate him now or is that just Night? What does Lovino think of each character as well? Just crazy?


This RP went from Nykidia laughing at Aaron to Night berating him after he intervened in the dragon's fight real quick. XD


So my character swears using the work perkilel which is kind of based off of the worst curse word in the Finnish language, perkelle, which is more intense the harder you roll the L so just know that


Is my aesthetic characters finding ways to do things as cheaply as possible and ending up doing terrible and ridiculous things? Why yes.


Nope, even before he became the villain in my story he didn't like sticking with others for a long time. Now that Aaron is he's even more closed off and distrusting, making it so he isn't exactly the safest to be around with the temper he's gained.

Also, Euric Knight, lol