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Started by @InstaOnly

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Anyways, I should probably post now. Also I noticed I forgot some stuff on Aaron so I updated that just so you know. Nothing really important, just little things I might end up not using.

@Dragoncita group

Thank you ^^

I'm fine with having my hydra work there at the place, if you can stand having a male who appears to haver personality disorder XD
That and the fact one of his heads is a complete asshole and hard to work with


Thank you ^^

I'm fine with having my hydra work there at the place, if you can stand having a male who appears to haver personality disorder XD
That and the fact one of his heads is a complete asshole and hard to work with

My character comes from a place where killing humans is a common thing and they pretty much have classes on how to make people go insane so she's seen a few humans that weren't killed with broken minds and she's had to deal with them before. I think she'll think your character is easy compared to that.


Aaron is hardly unstable compared to that. He's just been pushed over the edge a few times, but he does have some regret over it. Corru's just convinced him that whatever he does won't matter in the long run. Which, I mean, it won't, but for a different reason from what they think. At first Aaron was just power hungry but now he actually has motivations. XD


Can I just say I find it funny that Nykidia is 14 but because of the different backgrounds she knows more about drinking than Aaron? XD


Hi! I'd like to join, but I have something that I want to see if you'd let me do. If not, I completely understand and thank you for even reading this, especially since it includes possibly reimagining the political system you've already thought up a little(if you have one).

I'd be taking the Elric brothers from Fullmetal Alchemist as my characters. Well, my main ones. I know the rule about only having two characters per person, and that's why I'll try really hard to keep from using the others. There are only two that would be being used any decent amount anyway, if this is even okay with you. They would have ranks equivalent to a Colonel and a Lieutenant Colonel. A few VERY minor characters would be subordinates to the Colonel, and when I say very I mean I might mention their names and a vague action maybe twice the entire time I'm RPing(depending on how long this survives and/or how long I stay).

Again, these characters wouldn't be very major(unless you wanted them to), especially since my characters will tend to stay away from the political stuff as much as they can. I could think of several interesting scenarios that the antagonists of the series, the Homunculi, could create, but I understand that I'm already pushing it with the other characters. If you're even alright with this in the first place. It's your RP, and I'd be totally fine with making an OC or two of my own if I can't use these characters. Thanks for even taking the time to read this.


I'm sorry to say I'd like it better if you used original characters. I enjoy seeing people flesh out character by seeing how they react, it also just seems odd to suddenly have fandom characters while everyone else is figuring out how their characters would act as they go. I also rarely watch anime and don't understand the system and these characters you're talking about. Thank you for acknowledging I may already have a political system in place, as I do since the setting is a city in my world. If you'd still like to join feel free to create or use an original character.


Also this is why I like RP. Up until this point I never considered that Aaron wouldn't have ever tried drinking because of how he grew up.




I'm sorta curious if Nykidia is back to manipulating Aaron. Also where did Night go?