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Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


Maybe, and I might edit what I'm about to post but I currently have him absolutely done with people after the fight. XD


Nysaxiope tries to be patient with people but she really doesn't like when people mess up her stuff when specifically she isn't doing anything wrong so she is gonna get pretty pissed they were fighting on her store front. I do actually have story behind this. One time a bunch of humans using scuba gear decided to go underwater and attack the house of the mayor of Mertis, thinking it would give a big impact, and they completely trashed Nys's room and destroyed her family's house and it annoyed her and for the week afterward she lost all of her normal mercy to humans


Well, shoot, that is going to be a problem considering Aaron(IDK about your characters) is pretty much not interested in what others have to say right now. It's sort of his way of shutting down if he's upset in any way.


Try not to kill Eberaus, Aaron already tried his best to heal him. XD


Well, shoot, that is going to be a problem considering Aaron(IDK about your characters) is pretty much not interested in what others have to say right now. It's sort of his way of shutting down if he's upset in any way.

This is going to be great once every on scoots their boot into the restaurant. Also, other people who haven't seen the buttons yet should totally test it once they sit down at a table. I'm sorry, I just keep wanting to make fun of Aaron if he ends up sitting at a table with someone curious XD


Yeah, I know that. I find it funny you described it frankenstine style though. XD

Also lol Euric


I'm dying. XD
To add on top of me laughing from that my sibling just dug out my old electronic music box. They opened it and it sounded so distorted, they soon were laughing like maniac on the floor while repeatedly opening the Disney box…
It was hilarious.


Also do what you like with the swear words, though I do have a small preference that they be censored


It's a proper restaurant everyone keeps treating it like a cafe it's making my host feel very sad. Also I'm working on the host, they probably won't become a character to rp as, just more of a character who pops up time to time. Or maybe not idk ( .-. )


Well the restaurant has only been open three days, this is the fourth, so… did he just immediately get hooked on the first day and comes in every day?