forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

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Private chat didn't want to work…. Might add more names here later.
@Dragoncita @shadowknight @KoffeeOwl

Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
OOC chat for everyone in the Altir City RP! Everyone there will be added so they may ask questions or start conversations here. This is basically so OOC comments aren't buried in the RP, nor do they take up half a page. If you want to ask what others meant in a post, have a question on what to do, or simply want to mention something this is the place!


Now that you're here I actually thought of a question. XD
Did Nykidia shadow travel into the Casino or outside of it? I'm guessing inside since Nykidia said Eberaus would have trouble getting past the bouncers but I wrote it to work both ways just in case.


Nice. Guess you won't have much of a problem with Eberaus getting in then. XD

@Dragoncita group

Yup, so long as he doesn't move extremely fast, he's near invisible. Though if he does suddenly dash forward while cloaked, it would look like a shimmer in the area, making it more likely for him to be seen
Though, he prefers to lay in wait and stalk


That's neat!
Also Flyn's and Aaron personalities don't really get along, considering Aaron doesn't trust him. Aaron hates being viewed as lower or less powerful as someone, so Flyn saying he was manipulated into coming so Ben would get angry doesn't really make him like people. Really people only get away with stuff like that when he trusts/knows them, such as is the case with Corru because he thinks he's helping him. lol


Yeah, it’s interesting when there’s conflict! Had Flyn said anything more mocking I probably would’ve had Aaron tackle him. He’s used to having to fight over bigger things and it’s become a flaw when dealing with smaller matters.
Anyways, I was sort of wondering…. What are your guys ideas on where the plot is or could be headed?


Just going to say sorry real quick for my odd schedule of when I post. I'm in a different timezone than I'm used to and it messes up how late or early I may be posting wherever you guys are.)


Not really. There's obviously a way to build conflict now, but I don't know where to go from there. I'm hesitant to have Aaron lash out because it would be hard to talk him into backing down rather than using force. I also don't know what kind of conflict you guys want. Do you want something where the characters can talk and maybe find out more about each other, something where we set it up so they have to find something or someone, or a conflict where force is necessary?


Dragoncita said Eberaus could get past the bouncers easily so there's that, or there could be some reason to leave the building. We really need to wait for Dragoncita's input regarding how things would work with Eberaus. Also I don't really know your characters so I'm curious… How do Nykidia and Flyn view Aaron?

@Shadow_Knight group

Flyn views Aaron as a little hot headed. Flyn is used to people who keep there cool. Flyn is also very interested why Ben wants him so much. I mean he must of screwed him up really bad to get him that pissed. Nykidia views Aaron as interesting. She wants to know more. She was slightly surprised when Flyn said that she was manipulating Aaron. He usually don't tell people that she does that. She is interested in why Flyn told him that. Was it to gain his trust? Was it to make him scared? Was it to intimidate him?


Yeah, Aaron has gained a habit of getting angry or feeling betrayed easily. As far as he's concerned he's doing the right thing and those like Ben are being stubborn to not see things his way. Which is why he's my villain. He's better at manipulating people once he knows more about them and what might set them off. Aaron tends to be worse when he feels he's been betrayed or someone has tricked him, though it can hurt him instead if he thought they may have truly been a friend or ally.
He doesn't like Flyn because he's used to being able to find someone's weakness easily, but does currently see him as more trustworthy so far not acting angry or showing that he may be lying. He still has a small amount of trust in Nykidia, but may not fully consider anything she says now as the truth finding out she tricked him.


I'm going to post soon, but I just had some ideas. For conflict we could:
1) Have something else with Ben and I do end up using him for this RP
2) Flyn or Nykidia could make either Aaron or Eberaus feel threatened enough to lash out
3) Since I don't know much about your guy's characters you could suggest something about them that could cause conflict
4) Eberaus could cause a problem or conflict somehow coming into the casino
So then we really just need to figure out the type of conflict. Physical like a fight? One solved by finding something/someone? One where the characters really just talk and that solves it while letting them share something?
Also when I post should I set it up to leave room for someone to time skip to the morning?

@Dragoncita group

Eberaus cause a fight…BRILLIANT!!!
He probably would since he despises extremely confined spaces that what he considers to be 'human-built'. Cave, he has no problem with


Cool. Sounds like that's a plan then. Works out because it helps bring Eberaus back into the scene as well. lol
Should I leave room for a time skip to the morning or do you guys want this to happen at the current time? Considering it started at evening I would say it's pretty late at this point in the RP.