forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


Late where I am too. I'll probably post in the morning or something. Good night!


Left room for a time skip, but that’s not why I’m posting here. I just wanted to say I’ll be slow at posting if I get the chance, I’m going to be on a plane today so there won’t really be internet. I’m so ready to be back in the time zone I’m used to. XD


Oh no! RIP post. What I hate is those weird times when it decides to give you a countdown or time frame so you’re racing to finish something. ;-;


That’s why I copy something seven times or more just in case. XD

@Shadow_Knight group



I always do it in case my laptop decides to not work or to check if anyone else posted. I want to make sure a recent post doesn’t contradict anything I type. XD

@Shadow_Knight group

I should probably start doing that because what happens is that I type out something and then someone else already does something. Some times it works out. Other times it doesn't.


I do it because I worry too much and like everything to link in some way. So I have to make sure the posts make sense with what just happened. XD
Also I’m used to editing my work before finalizing it so I copy it before it’s edited in case I decide I liked how it was before…..


I hope you don’t have trouble remembering what you typed Dragoncita. I hate when progress gets erased. ;-;


Also someone helped me out with emoticons.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


It's sort of just a habit to copy once you start, but honestly sometimes the writing ends up better when someone has to rewrite what they just lost. It's annoying but sometimes it makes my stuff better than what I originally planned.
Also, it's dumb but I've always wanted to figure out how to do the table flip emoticon. XD
Maybe because I had this one friend I that I always ended up making want to flip a desk every other day…


It was usually over dumb stuff. XD
Usually because I brought some sort of tea everyday, but once because I kept talking in riddles about my characters when we started talking about worlds. So they tried to flip the desk I was on, only to get more triggered when I started making riddles about them and another friend currently using that desk as well. I think they only successfully flipped a desk once, because we were distracted for a moment and didn't stop them….


They also brought Pocky everyday….
A pack for them and a pack to share with other people.
They tried the green tea ones and then gave them to me because they didn't like them.
The green tea Pocky are delicious.
We made a truce to not flip desks because we both brought a certain thing in every. single. day.