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Started by @InstaOnly

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While Nykidia was laughing at Aaron over him being scared of the tables floating dragons are getting in fights outside Nys Fish. XD


I do too. It's why I generally have characters that are fine with fights. It also works out with Aaron having a temper as picking fights as the villain. Iden actually wears a pair of gloves made for fighting because while usually calm he is generally the strongest compared to Ben and Ira, which makes his fall all the more unbelievable to the characters in my plot. Thing is I always have to have a reason for them to fight, even if it's just because one of them is in a bad mood.
It's not really a fight in the sense of someone gets punched but I remembered this one scene I have where this shop lady refuses to let Iden stay in her store because she doesn't trust creatures that would generally be considered carnivores. Ira ends up threatening her in a way by saying that it doesn't matter if some citizens are more animal than others there's still a food chain and she better hope she doesn't end up at the bottom. Ira's my sarcastic one with a temper, so it's good that Iden keeps her calm for the most part.
Gosh, I love writing stories for characters. I could talk all day about scenes from each of their stories and how it ties in.


Shoot. Looking at Shadow Night's post Nykidia just messed up. You don't just shove Aaron out of the way when he's trying to help. That's what made him snap in the first place.


Hi, also it's fine you jumped in when you did. Added some more chaos to the scene. XD


Aaron is literally pushed over the edge and Lovino just gives him a thumbs up. lol


OMG First the white fox is named Demon and then the black one Angel, now Angel has a deep voice and Demon and angelic voice. XD