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Started by @InstaOnly

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@Shadow_Knight group

Night is inside of Nykidia. It takes a lot of energy for Night to have a form so a part of there bond is Night gets a body aka Nykidia's. And no not currently.


Btw going to post soon but where do you think the plot could be headed?


So we're just doing filler RP while we wait for Eberaus to cause a commotion? XD


If anyone needs there characters to go interact with someone because they're stuck and nobody is around the amazingness that is people get hungry and come to restaurants (specifically mine) will come rescue you.


Ah yes, that sounds wonderful. I actually want to see how that works out. lol
Actually…. that might be another way to get Eberaus into the plot as well considering he doesn't like the thought of going into the casino.
So really that becomes a question for Dragoncita as well, does that work?


I have Trope Talk on in the background and it's both inspiring and distracting. XD


Yay! I also just found one that I haven't watched yet and is on something I really need help with, so that makes me happy.
Uh……….. What do the buttons do by the way?


Okay so my character floats, and she really wanted to include that feeling of somewhat under the sea so her ceilings are really high up and she went out and bought these tables that use magic to float. The blue one goes higher, the red goes lower. They can float up to about 12 feet up.

@Shadow_Knight group



Oof. yeah… That'll make Aaron freak out. TIME TO WRITE MY POST!


I think the question was basically if they would come to Nys Fish but it seems they're headed that way now. After they fight are they going to come or is one of the other characters going to have to intervene?


Also I want to explain Aaron's thing with heights since Nysaxiope seems to be trying to figure that out. It's not that he fears heights in general, it's that he gets scared if he feels like he doesn't have control over how high he is. He likes climbing trees because it's what he did often when young and he can control how high he is simply by using the branches, the table floats and gives him no immediately obvious way to get down which is what makes him panic. With no obvious way to safely get down he compares it to a cliff that broke under him once. I've already told Shadow knight this in another chat but pretty much Aaron wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for Corru because of that event.
Tree, good. Table that floats, bad.

@Dragoncita group

Figured they were fighting right outside the resteraunt, seeing as Eberaus trailed Nykidia and Aaron there. Sorry if I didn't really make that clear