forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


Also, you want new people to mess with the buttons right? I'm sure Aaron's third tail on his fox form missing would be a reason to start a conversation.


I'm trying to get a post up since Aaron is in the restaurant while Nykidia pretty much argues with Night over killing him. XD


Really? That's the same problem I'm having! I have to resubmit a reply 5-10 times before it actually does it.


Uh, how about….
Nysaxiope is like "Let's answer that inside" or something and leads Lovino in? Idk…. (I swear I'm working on my post)

@Shadow_Knight group

BTW try reloading the page if it goes to an error page. It works for me most of the time. try to submit it and if it goes to error reload the page and most of the time it's posted.


This is actually the first time I've sat down and written him reacting to something when he's sorta shut down.


This is why I love writing for Aaron. It shows how much my villain character isn't the villain. XD
Really it's Corru…. At least in the first part of the story.