forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

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Just kinda want to make him a little softer and get his anger issues in check. Next thing you know Nys's restaurant has turned into food therapy.


Nysaxiope, asking to let Kirdairn take control. I might die but it's a risk I'm willing to take to call the person who was setting back my business an asshole.


I mean, Aaron sort of called Kirdian that. Not quite but he still shows he doesn't like the hydra.


I have more swear words from both Nysaxiope's language and English I can call him, and Nysaxiope's language is a general language known by water creatures so Kirdairn would understand everyword probably

@Dragoncita group

I can't help but feel sorry for poor Faraneer lol
He's always getting picked on by Kirdairn for the most part

They originally came from a swamp before it was destroyed, forcing them to move


Yeah, and Aaron might actually like him since he seems like someone who knows when a person is at their limit.
Euric XD

@Dragoncita group

If you get him comfortable enough, Faraneer loves to play the cello
Mylnorr just tries to keep his other two heads under control, mainly Kirdairn as is seen
Though he can only do so much


If Aaron could hear Kirdiarn right now he'd probably be annoyed enough to call him weak or something else to get him angry.


Btw I don't normally get on until 4:00 PST each day so would you guys mind not moving the story along too far before I even have the chance to read anything?


Alright. I'll do my best to keep track of that. I think I'm heading to bed after my next post.