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Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


well….. I'm going to post soon.
Though also on your RP I'm going to use Ben before he joined the rebellion because I didn't use him in this. Is that good?


Okay, I need to change stuff anyways because he was different before the rebellion stuff. :D


The fact you trademarked that. XD
Also I over typed on my essay and now I have to trim it down. ;-;


rip there was a project in my English class we had six weeks to work on and I didn't even finish the book I was supposed to read and it's due tomorrow so I'm just gonna have to spend the whole weekend making up English work I forgot about or missed and it's like my least favorite class


I might…. I need to update Ben though but I forgot his last name awhile back. I think it was Wilson or something.


Yeah I want characters to have full names on music & villains for the purpose of just having things make more sense so halfway through when someone needs to use someone else's last name they don't have to stop rping for a minute and let them think.


Yeah, that makes sense. I give my characters last names, but some of them I've forgotten. Like I have Oridone Scrap, Ira Illson, Allie Rylet, Ben Wilson, etc.


I finished my rough draft….
Now I just need to finish it tomorrow….


My character Averill isn't one of my normal rp characters he's actually the main protagonist of one of my stories, and Dorian is just his friend who he meets and she has no last name so I decided to take their appearances and names and change their entire personalities and how they're related


0_o That's a lot of rewriting for characters. I've only done stuff like that a few times.


I really just took them as characters because I didn't want to have to make new names and appearances the story I am writing with them in it will stay the same


lol. I have to stay true to characters other wise I mess up when writing them.


I came up with the name meaning it to be like altar but I always pronounce it in my head as altier. I actually have my characters bicker about it in my plot. Also I'm going to try and get a post up but I'm heading to bed after.


It's 3:00 where I am and several people started saying it was a bad idea to continue after I finished the rough draft.