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Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


I don't know if I can rely on google to keep track of when people are on,
is 4:00 PST around 6:00 CST?


You shouldn't have shown me where to get the text faces.


Is bugging Aaron with magic capable of letting people know and potentially bring up what's happened in his past the fastest way to make make him snap or fight someone?
Why yes, yes it is.


Help. I have two ideas and I can't decide.

  1. Aaron is still being difficult but he goes over anyways and tries to use magic to get Eberaus more awake
  2. Aaron is annoyed Nysaxiope didn't react but since she's closer to the other characters right now he might try to eat now that she's not paying attention. Which could leave some room for her to mess with him.
    I don't know if my wording is bad but…… help. ;-;


Oof. I have this and a one-on-one. But the one-on-one person doesn't post often.