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Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


Woopdie doo let's enjoy the amazingness that is an annoyed siren who will literally yell shut up and people melodically when they are being too annoying too forcibly make them not speak also she just casually had a full grown dragon on her shoulder as she walks in so


I like how Lovino just decides to shock everyone when he walks in. XD


I recommend not trying shock therapy with the easily angered kitsune…


In case it's not obvious yet Aaron likes making the task of dealing with him difficult if he isn't in the mood for questions or people in general.


I think the only person Aaron is on good terms with in Nykidia since she helped him out the other day.


I will HELP HIM BE NICE BECAUSE THAT'S ALWAYS WHAT MY CHARACTERS DO IN ANY RPs of course this will be once Nys has her moment of being pissed off


Yeah this will be difficult but with soothing words and food and a little bit of magic you can fix almost any problem a person has over time


Would it make you happy if I said he gets redeemed in my world plot?
Also while that can certainly make him consider someone a friend it wouldn't really sway him from his goal.