forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

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Decided to search Prince Olive, for some reason it only works as a link though.


Lol. I'm making it canon that olive's are the city fruit or something. I already have some inside jokes from others friends canon so why not? Charles the all seeing eye olive of Altir City XD


Also I know it's random to bring it up but do you guys remember the Lilo & Stitch comparison Euric made?


I'm watching anime on crunchyroll and this one stupid ad keeps coming up with these two women and it's like "Hi, my name is Hayden." "And my name is Nicolette, and we are uh…" then Nicolette looks at Hayden for like confirmation or something and continues "mother and daughter." and Hayden is like nodding in confirmation you would've thought it was a couple going like "and we are uh… going to get married" or something and it's so annoying like NICOLETTE ARE YOU NOT SURE YOU GAVE BIRTH TO AND RAISED HAYDEN? DO YOU NEED YOUR DAUGHTER'S CONFIRMATION SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER?


Ahhhh I can't find the post but Euric compared the situation to the Lilo and Stitch meme where Lilo asks for someone nice to come along and then it cuts to Stitch let me try to find it-
also lol


Can I just say I imagine that Lilo & Stitch scene when I think of the characters with Nysaxiope as Lilo and literally everyone else except like Eberaus as Stitch.



sajfsjadsbfc My computer is messing up let plug it in real quick-
^This is after plugging it in now. Dunno why I typed that instead of actually plugging it in. But lol

@Shadow_Knight group

Literally Nykidia and Night have changed so much as characters snice this started. Nykidia and Night aren't in a mob anymore and I'm not sure what to do with Flyn. This RP is the last version of their old selves.


Oof, honestly Aaron has changed too because this RP made me realize just how much of a manipulator Corru really is to make Aaron the way he is. Otherwise Aaron wouldn't be the villain because he tries to do the right thing, even if he's taught the mindset of the ends justify the means he sets that end up to be something he thinks is good. Some things make me question characters that I don't even have in the RP!
Anyways, I brought it up because I remembered a clip from Lilo & Stitch and decided for some reason I should do a rough storyboard of that scene but with Nysaxiope, Nykidia, Aaron, etc. so I have the cringe of rough storyboard drawings by me if you wanna see.



Also Nys has barely changed because she exists purely for the rp but I like her. The way she's changed is what I've decided to do with her character like from the self-consciousness to giving her a tragic backstory because of rejecting how a siren should act.


Nice! Also I got the images to post here now…
Beware this area: Cringy storyboards that take up the whole screen ahead.
Based off the scene where Lilo is at the restaurant with Stitch while Nina works- I can find the clip if you don't know the scene.

Also as a little joke: If your wondering what Night is doing they took the red crayon and are making a 'badness level' chart for Corru and coloring it in completely red.


I love them omg
I just realized we don't have any proper restaurant scenes yet. Once they eat breakfast they should head over to Nys Fish so Nysaxiope can deal with her parents then they can all chill in the restaurant because I just really want them to be in the restaurant okay. They've only all been in there once and it was so Nys could briefly yell at them also she's trying to own a restaurant and she needs help so like yeet idk I just like the restaurant

Deleted user

Welp, I just wrote up a post to renter Lunos into the equation.