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Started by @InstaOnly

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Oof, I already know Ben isn't going to like Blaze because of his drinking. Not sure what my characters are going to think of Daxton though.

@Dragoncita group

Long as they don't seem like rich pompous bastards, Daxton won't mind them
As his bio says, he was raised in a prison-like setting, while the higher ups pretty much sat in their safe havens while the God Eaters like Daxton were sent out into the wastelands. He and the rest of the orphans were called 'hounds', so he despises the term


Ah, they'll probably get along then. Narac's, my rebellion, whole cause is about others not being paid what their due while those higher up are mostly unaffected. Even before being a leader like I said in Aster's bio he was acting like a modern robin hood cheating the rich out of money to give to others like him that didn't have enough. The king's not a bad person for being a king, he just doesn't know how to handle a kingdom and grief at the same time and the system is in need of a major rewrite anyways.

Deleted user

Oof, I already know Ben isn't going to like Blaze because of his drinking. Not sure what my characters are going to think of Daxton though.

Huh, the thing is, Blaze is actually unable to get drunk. His species bodies evaporate the liquor before it goes down his throat.


Huh, interesting. Why does he drink it then, or are you going to share that in the RP?

@Dragoncita group

Euric, if I may, I have a charrie who has been mentioned plenty of times in the other RP, Nirvana whom the hydra is living with, if she could be working at Nys Fish now?

As I had a bit of an idea in the other RP of having her come about and eventually come to work at Nys restaurant. If not, that is totally fine as well
If so, I'll have a skelly for her soon


lol, of course Charles must be known about Euric.
I should maybe draw Charles sometime…


I love the picture. XD Also since I'll probably at least doodle him at some point I'd also like to know what you picture different about him.

Deleted user

Huh, interesting. Why does he drink it then, or are you going to share that in the RP?

Well, for what he does… You would be supprised about what people talk about when there's a drunk person in the room… Two, it hides his actual personality. I'll qrite more on it when I get to my laptop.

@Dragoncita group

Just gonna put Nirvana's skelly here:

Username: Dragoncita
Name/Nicknames: Nirvana
Age: 167
Species: Tziti-Tziti
Tziti-Tziti are large, raptor-like creatures. Unlike many of her species though, Nirvana doesn't mind being with humans or in larger groups, and has gained the ability to take a human form
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Human Form -
True Form -
Attire: refer image
Personality: Nirvana is generally a sweetheart, especially to those she really cares about. She loves to help when and where she can
Though she avoids fighting, Nirvana will throw her (small) weight around if provoked
Background(Optional): Will learn as story progresses
Flaws: She's very small and short, Nirvana will always put her closest friends before herself, so sometimes she forgets to take care of herself
Quirks(Habits, triggers, or odd facts): The appendages on her head twitch when something peaks her interest, Nirvana is open to talking, even with customers
Any Weapons or Magic: The pair of antenna like appendages atop her head are actually special organs which can release a pulse that blinds enemies in range when she unfolds them
Nirvana has a paralyzing venom
As for weapons, she is all natural in her true form. Though she is proficient with using dual blades
Open to shipping?: Sure
Other(Optional) (Pets, titles, family, etc.): Currently employed at Nys Fish
Very close friend to the hydra known as Mylnorr, Faraneer, and Kirdairn


Nice character!
Also Euric now you can use the buttons to mess with all the new characters.