forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers

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They just causally mention Charles and some one can go "Who?" And they go "Charles!!!"

… Hah, this is weird but the reason Lunos came to the city was to find his brother, Charles, nicknamed Charlie.


Glad you guys liked the storyboard-clip-thing. XD
Also oof, Lex, how'd you forget about your character when Lunos was invited to come talk to everyone else? The Charles thing is a funny coincidence though, lol. I guess we can catch Lunos when we leave for the restaurant or someone else nearby enough to catch him leaving chats with him or something. Probably going to wait until Little Sins Soon posts.

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Also, his key concern is finding his brother becuase I needd to give him motivation

@Shadow_Knight group

This was an idea I had and we don't have to do it but what if we tried to start another RP with Altir City with out updated characters. It would let the others who came in late have a good chance to join in and e could use our updated characters. We could also still keep this one going. IDK just an idea.


This was an idea I had and we don't have to do it but what if we tried to start another RP with Altir City with out updated characters. It would let the others who came in late have a good chance to join in and e could use our updated characters. We could also still keep this one going. IDK just an idea.

…What? I think the wording confuses me. The gist of what I'm understanding is your suggestion is to maybe shut this RP down or keep it to the side and do a reboot for new people to come in?
I'm not sure if we can manage keeping any more people active in an RP. Though if the others wanted we could do that and reboot it starting at Nys Fish with everyone from this RP knowing each other and let new people join from there. I'll leave it for you guys to decide and go with the majority.


Sorry for not posting, I'm waiting for Little Sins Soon to post. Does anyone know if they're on break or something? I don't think I've seen them on, at the very least they're not active in Altir, since Feb 2.


That's alright, I just wanted to know if they were still active. I'll wait for them to post, and that gives time for everyone to agree or disagree with Shadow's idea anyways! Also Shadow I think I just read it wrong because reading a second time I understood, I'm leaving it up to everyone on whether they want a reboot and whether to keep this one active or not. :)

Deleted user

I would love to have it rebooted but keep this one still going! I think it would be a good why to integrate some of my other charters.


Altir City Reboot Vote (Will be updated as we decide)

User Yes No
Lex -  
Shadow -  
Euric - -
Dragoncita with majority vote  
Little Sins Soon with majority vote  
Project(Me) with majority vote  
Overall All definite votes are yes, rest are majority/maybe  


That's fine! I just didn't know if you were on break and Dragoncita gave a reaction to Eurn. Also the majority votes yes so I'll set up a reboot either today or tomorrow and tell all of you when it's up.


Coolio. What exactly should I do for the reboot anyways other than it being in Altir, like should I set a limit so there aren't too many new people joining or just let it be whatever? Also what kind of characters are you guys planning on using, new characters or updated characters or a mix? I'm kinda trying to think of whether to set it up so those from this RP have characters that met here already know each other or leave everyone not knowing anyone as a restart on the whole thing in the reboot.

@Shadow_Knight group

I think I'm just going to use an updated version of Nykidia and Night. I think just us and maybe one or two new people would be a good amount. I think having one or two people knowing each other would be good to start off the RP. Also if we start this new one will we still continue this one or will it stop?


One or two more people sounds good, and I'm thinking of starting at Nys Fish or something depending on whether Euric still uses Nysaxiope. I think most of us want this one to continue, which is why I'm wondering how many will use the same character or change it up in the reboot. I'm questioning myself on whether to use Aaron or just have him in this RP and use one of my actual city characters instead.

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… I might end up using a few of my more developed characters…