forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


I'm sure you draw great and I'd love if you'd link the writing whenever it's up, Euric!
And nice! …idk whether to call you Bee or Lex or what because I think you share an account now if I'm remembering correctly…? I love reading comics, but for some reason I hate drawing in the little boxes so I never make my own… If you can post the link somewhere on notebook whenever you put in on instagram because like I said I love comics!


Surprisingly I'm more of a visual story teller but I love writing when I can. Like sitting down to write dialogue to show the reasoning of a character when ever I need a reference for motivations. Also acting and improv is really neat! It seems cool but I've never been one to be good at improv, I'm bad enough at talking if I have no idea what to do. I just ramble or write a paragraph like I just did now that I'm reading over this….


You don't have to rush, and rest if you need to! I hope you get better soon and the fever goes down, getting sick is never fun.


Oof. You write well though, a lot better than my ramblings that confuse everyone half the time. Also funnily enough mentioning artists I actually just got new nibs, aka pen tips, for my digital art pen. Now I can practice again because I still have to get used to digital.


I finally have a profile picture that isn't two colors! Yay to art turning out better than expected, lol. :D


Also I got my first funko pop today, it’s Mug Man from Cuphead. :D


Since my mom's birthday is on Valentines she surprised us by giving us little gifts today. I got a little fitness tracker/watch with chocolates, found it funny because candy and fitness don't really go together. lol


I don't know whether to laugh at the fact Charles the clay eyeball exists or that candles on an ice cream cake worked. I think my sibling got an ice cream cake before for their birthday as well… Maybe we could have done candles then, they let it melt while hanging with their friends anyways.


Lol. I will now reference to the eye on the Illuminati sign as Charles whenever it's brought up.


I googled it too and there's also a picture of Prince Charles making a circle-ish triangle around his eye for some reason.