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Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


I've been less active today because I have a bunch of exams and tests due. ;-;
One disadvantage of home schooling is that it doesn't matter if you're sick because either way you do your work at home…

@Diamond encrusted Noodle

Ah, yes, the glorious exam and test session. I'm lucky I only have two tests that I know about anyways, I hope you manage to survive this week and all of homeschooling. What is it like anyways? does a teacher come to your home or is it a parent or tutor teaches you for a certain chunk of the day? Is it easier or harder than traditional school? I've been curious about homeschooling for a while, since I haven't met anyone who does it.

Deleted user

Lunos is just in the corner like: "WHAT IS GOING ONNNNNNNNN?"


lol, I saw the post with him having a quarter life crisis so I'm just like 'I want Lunos to be in the group but Aaron is in the kitchen howdoIhelpbringLunosinthegroupifmycharacterisn'tthere'


Ah, yes, the glorious exam and test session. I'm lucky I only have two tests that I know about anyways, I hope you manage to survive this week and all of homeschooling. What is it like anyways? does a teacher come to your home or is it a parent or tutor teaches you for a certain chunk of the day? Is it easier or harder than traditional school? I've been curious about homeschooling for a while, since I haven't met anyone who does it.

I go to an online home school. It has harder classes to prep you for college and I made the mistake of choosing all the PAP of these harder classes, anything below a C is failing, and if you fail they kick you out the next year. I have scheduled Live Lessons that are basically virtual classrooms where kids can come on camera or mic when they're given a topic or question to discuss or answer. You can go at your own pace so long as you get everything done when the semester wraps up. Though I honestly like traditional school better because I prefer talking in person and you don't really get that doing all your lessons from home.

@Diamond encrusted Noodle

W O W that sounds like it's intense! Was it your choice to try to do school like this or your parent's? Also, Have you ever gotten close to failing? I'm glad I'm not in that class because I have a C in one of my classes and I would be hecka stressed out until it turned to something resembling a B- at least!

@Diamond encrusted Noodle

lol, I saw the post with him having a quarter life crisis so I'm just like 'I want Lunos to be in the group but Aaron is in the kitchen howdoIhelpbringLunosinthegroupifmycharacterisn'tthere'

Help him out when you are setting out dishes and stuff


My parent's, it fits their schedules better and they wanted a good school for my sibling and I. I wish I could've stayed in traditional. I finally made some good friends, which is hard for me as an introvert that moves and switches schools often, but now I can only text them for the most part. Also, since it's my first year I didn't know just how hard the classes would be with all PAP so I ended up with too much of a work load so I'm actually scrambling to not fail Spanish rn with the rest of my classes A's and B's with one C in a communications class I won't even have next semester… Mostly because I took a break when my grandma died and this year has just been a wreck in general for me


Where the flip flap pattiwack is the table in this casino? In the backroom? In the main area? Same area as the kitchen?

@Shadow_Knight group

Where the flip flap pattiwack is the table is this casino? In the backroom? In the main area? Same area as the kitchen?

First of all that is one of the best lines I have ever heard, err…read. Second it would be to the side of the kitchen.


I just realized I can do this

Yeet Yeet Yeet
Yeet Yeet Yeet
Yeet Yeet Yeet
Yeet Yeet Yeet
Yeet Yeet Yeet
Yeet Yeet Yeet
Yeet Yeet Yeet
Yeet Yeet Yeet
Yeet Yeet Yeet
Yeet Yeet Yeet
Yeet Yeet Yeet
Yeet Yeet Yeet