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Started by @InstaOnly

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Oof, I mean. He did leave Aaron for dead before he died…
Hi, EyeOfTheBeeholderAndTheRulerOfSass, is there a shorter nickname you go by?

Just Bee!


Yep, pretty dead today.
Also sorry if my posts are bad or I don't reply fast. Being sick plus homeschooling is the worst. Euric, idk how you survive with how often you seem to get sick.


Also time for my curious question to return! What does everyone's character(s) think of the other characters?

Deleted user

Lunos is really only interacting with Snek Boi… He thinks that the boi is a bit annoying, but he thinks everyone is annoying.

@Shadow_Knight group

Aaron: Nykidia likes Aaron. Night is unsure about him but if Nykidia likes him he's OK. But gawd forbid if he hurts Nykidia again.
Nysaxiope: Nykidia hasn't been with her too much but she feels bad for fighting in front of her shop and may of sent her parents after her. Nykidia knows what it's like to have bad parents so she sympathies with her and doesn't want her parents to find her. Night is neutral on Nysaxiope.
The Hydra (because I can remember all of there hard to pronounce names.): Nykidia and Night like Faraneer but are unsure of the other two.
Euro (Is this how you spell it?): Nykidia likes his social attitude and he is a good friend.


Aaron is just overall confused right now. Corru isn't going to help with that either… Corru doesn't care what others think and will probably be very disagreeable and see the others as distractions.
Nykidia and Night: Enjoys Nykidia's company and is most likely going to listen to her. He's conflicted on whether to consider her a friend or not. Night he's either neutral or wary with.
Nysaxiope: Feels a bit bad for yelling at her. He doesn't see himself in the wrong for the fights though, as they were either provoked, needed for the situation, or he stopped the fight like in front of the restaurant. He isn't sure what to think of Nysaxiope besides that, but knows he doesn't like her mind powers.
Hydra: The fight being a first impression he's not fond of the three, expecting the others to start fights like Kirdiarn. He hasn't really talked to the hydra so that's what he has to base his opinion on.
Lunos: Not sure. Hasn't really talked to Lunos.
Eurn: Not very fond of him with how many questions he asks. He hasn't really talked to him since that first introduction.


Nykidia/Night: They seem okay. They returned to her restaurant and helped her freak out Aaron, so that's cool.
Aaron: Pretty annoying, but fun to torment. Nys can take out any evil impulses she may have on him by messing with him.
Hydra: Mylnorr seems kinda chill, Faraneer is okay, Kidairn is a racist asshole.
Lunos: Hasn't spoken a word.
Eurn: Plans to use him to torment Aaron. She doesn't know anything about him.
Corru: Bitch.

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Lunos is just waiting for Eurn to reply as he watches this with a sarcastic monologue in his head.


I love how immediately everyone bands together in agreement on how much they hate Corru. XD

@Diamond encrusted Noodle

Hello! I got your bug Euric, though why did you have to choose the centipede?
For the opinions thing, this is what Eurn thinks so far.
Aaron: Seems like a good person, just a little high walled and he should be gentle, he's the reason hounding isn't happening, as he still seems like the reason this group of people is together at this place.
Nykidia/Night: He likes them both, and probably has at least a mild friendship with Nykidia, though he wished that they didn't deal with Fynn's (this how you spell it?) more personal stuff. (also it's Eurn like yearn without a y and a u for an a)
Hydra: only knows Faraneer, but is very curious about them and wants to learn about them first. If he met the others he would probably argue with with Kidairn and hate how he likes fighting so much, and would actually feel a bit obligated to be lightly submissive around Mylnorr, though he wouldn't know why, He just wants faraneer to be more comfortable as he seems nice so far.
Lunos: He gets the slight annoyance but just thinks he is a pretty okay person that is sometimes absentminded.
Nysaxiope (I keep just copy-pasting that name, I've given up): hasn't really met her but thinks she likes tormenting her friends in a good way, and has heard that her restaurant is good so knows that she is at least a little business minded, would like to see why she left Mertis.
Corru: Should stop trying to control Aaron's relationships, and already doesn't like him at all, will not try to talk at all. He reminds him of his job managers incredibly, though he can't place why.


Hello! I got your bug Euric, though why did you have to choose the centipede?

The what now

you bugged me, you should know what you sent to do so


@Diamond encrusted Noodle

Also on the topic of my character, it might be useful to know that my character is forced to works at an illegal fight club specializing in exotic entertainment (meaning dragons and stuff) as a fighter, and absolutely despises it
you can use that if you want to, or not that's okay too, just really wanted to say that for a while also testing these cool actions out