forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


Oof. Even if you aren’t able to reply much you help us progress when everyone else is stuck. Hope you had fun skiing!


I think just that little bit showed the difference between how Night and Nykidia act towards each other and how Corru and Aaron act towards each other.
Also I’m confused as to whether Lunos is staying up or if he’s going to fall asleep. Idk if I’ll be on after I post this or not though, so I guess I’ll find out either when I’m told the answer or wake up to one of the threads having a post(s).

Deleted user

I dunno, I haven't decided whether he is just going to watch them or fall alseep.


Beautiful views sound nice when your stuck inside with cough drops, lol. I haven’t tried skiing but I hope it was at least fun even if not the best.
I guess we’ll figure out what Lunos does whenever the RP gets timeskipped.


I’m not sure who’s going to be disliked more. Kirdairn or Corru.

Probably Lunos, when you get to know him he's kinda an ass.

Currently I hate Kidairn more cause he's a racist piece of shit but Corru is bad too


I should be making a practice resume for tech but instead I'm watching JackSepticEye shout at VR robots with no clue how to cook in VR.

Deleted user

I'm supposed to be doing an hour of torture then math homework and instead, I'm writing angsty poetry.

@Diamond encrusted Noodle

@"Euric Knight"
Hey, my texting device is dead so I'm telling you over here, I finished the first season of My Hero Acadamia (I think that's the name) yesterday as I juggled doing that and math. I think all of these "instead I'm doing…" was attacking from beyond the computer… Also that series is excellent and I like the flashy fight scenes and the small sad green boi.


I am confusion.
I'm confused on the layout of the Casino and why people are talking about watching MHA instead of doing homework.


Because they're inside a backroom and Flyn pointed to where the kitchen was without any directions besides 'there's a kitchen in the back' which confuses me for some reason. Maybe I'm just tired. .__.

@Shadow_Knight group

Ok So I imagined that this room was off to the side of the casino. It was a secret 'back' room. And from there it leads into the kitchen and can lead up to the rooms. Does that make any sense?


Okay, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks for clearing that up.
Kinda funny imagining someone getting lost in an infinite casino though… lol