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Started by @InstaOnly

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Well this conversation escalated quickly. Also Corru's a ghost so he's already dead… Also Corru kinda hates Aaron.


0-o Technically you could but you'd be creating the same out come of the reason Aaron listens to Corru even when he doesn't want to, he wouldn't last long if Corru left because of their soul link.


Corru perfectly shows how Aaron isn't cruel despite being my 'villain', and hopefully as I fix bits that don't match up in my plot it'll even help me show how Aaron might be redeemed. It also adds 'villain doing evil for no reason' to the list of tropes I'm hopefully ridding from my story, since even if it's not a valid reason even Corru has his own reasons for things and Aaron has his own logic behind his actions.

@Dragoncita group

If it makes you feel better, none of my charries in the RP currently have a reason to hate Corru…then again, he hasn't done anything they'd consider a threat
Though knowing Kirdairn, he'd probably find an excuse, though him being sick, he just wants to currently curl up and hide


I am reading this article a school project and it said something that was something all parents would think without actually knowing what it's like, and in my mind I was like, "yeah okay, Karen" because that's the stereotypical stereotypical mom name then I realized the article was written by someone by Karen and I found it funny okay idk where I thought I was going with this I just felt like sharing


That's hilarious. XD
While I was scrambling to finish Spanish last week I came to a lesson where I had to learn 'internet' and 'WiFi'. Jokingly while reading it I did the thing where people pronounce WiFi 'weefee', only to play the example clip of how it's said and actually hear that's how Spanish speakers pronounce WiFi.


That's just how his character and personality ended up while working on my story. His backstory along with the common nature of kitsune made him far more fleshed out than he originally was once I worked on his personality and alliances and such. I love creating complex characters, which is probably why I have a bunch of background characters I work on when I'm bored.
Aaron tends to be self destructive in any relationship thinking he's the one messing things up. So he's used to being alone, but he hates it. So for Corru to come along and stick around as well as seem to offer help has Aaron trust him and try to justify any wrongs done with reasons that aren't really valid. Meanwhile manipulators like Corru often know that anyone that can't bring themselves to leave a bad friendship or any other association with them will likely not be able to tell they're being mistreated unless there is physical harm done to them, and even if told otherwise they might insist even if treated badly it's not abuse if they aren't hit. I do way too much research to make sure my characters seem realistic in how their personality makes them treat others and let others treat them.


That's just how his character and personality ended up while working on my story. His backstory along with the common nature of kitsune made him far more fleshed out than he originally was once I worked on his personality and alliances and such. I love creating complex characters, which is probably why I have a bunch of background characters I work on when I'm bored.
Aaron tends to be self destructive in any relationship thinking he's the one messing things up. So he's used to being alone, but he hates it. So for Corru to come along and stick around as well as seem to offer help has Aaron trust him and try to justify any wrongs done with reasons that aren't really valid. Meanwhile manipulators like Corru often know that anyone that can't bring themselves to leave a bad friendship or any other association with them will likely not be able to tell they're being mistreated unless there is physical harm done to them, and even if told otherwise they might insist even if treated badly it's not abuse if they aren't hit. I do way too much research to make sure my characters seem realistic in how their personality makes them treat others and let others treat them.

Nice writing, but still I will end Corru

Aaron doesn't need that piece of shit he has new friends


I am breaking all laws of cereal! I'm having cereal in a cup for lunch and poured the milk in first!
I'd also like to say oof, would it make you happy to hear(er…read) that Corru basically gets a 'f-ck you' slap in the face from how his story looks like it'll play out in my plot right now?

Deleted user

I'm pretty sure Lunos is just banging his head on the wall.


Oof. Aaron invited him to come eat, does he just need to go over to Lunos and drag him to the table?

I managed to draw hair properly. :D Which goes with my next random thing to share. I did a concept sketch of the ginger everyone hates Corru, since I needed to fill some blank space on my concept art page. I also made another character design and I shouldn’t have because I have too many characters already.

Combined these two so there’s not a double post :)


I didn't want to double post but I don't care to combine them again.
This is just an update that I'm trying to make sure at least two people post before I do so others aren't accidentally left behind, so I'm going to make sure when I post either at least 2 people have posted after my previous post or a day or two has passed with no one posting. So I'll probably post a reply once someone else does or the RP says a post hasn't been made for 2 days.
This is in no way meant to rush anyone into making a reply, this is just so everyone knows the reason why if I don't respond for a while.


lol Found it through a Thomas Sanders video in which he said, "How many pets can you give that dog?" Shows 100+ pets from Thomas "Turns out I can pet him a lot!"
Also when ever Kirdairn or anyone else uses fox boy to mention Aaron I think of how much he would hate someone calling him that. Not only would it be annoying but kitsune try to be respectful of what others want to be called by in return of others respecting what the kitsune wishes to be called.


Hey, Shadow! You sort of disappeared from the RP. I just wanted to let you know we're at a stand still since I don't want to leave you behind. You don't have to make a long post or rush to make a reply, after all I don't know what life stuff you have, like I said I just wanted to let you know.


That's fine! To keep this from dying I'm going to ask a curious question that's been on my mind. How do you organize and plan on sharing your world? Books, comics, Q&A posts somewhere, animation, or something else?
As an artist I want to share it visually. I'm wanting to be a 2D animator, so I have my plot planned with episode names to help me remember the order of events, and hopefully when I have a chance to really get a grasp on animating I can create a series.


I'm just going to write it. I get lazy if I start to draw something, and besides, I'm not that confident in my artwork yet. Maybe upload it on ao3 as an original work so if people want to read it I can actually link them to it.