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Started by @InstaOnly

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Definitely gonna use Nys, and probably one other charry that I haven't developed that much. I really just have species and personality on her.


Happy Valentines and Singles Appreciation Day! Hope you guys have been having a nice day. :)

@Shadow_Knight group

If it's OK I'd like Nykidia and Night to know Nys. Not much has changed about Nykidia personality but Nykidia is not involved with the mob. She is a paper boy and she delivers papers to a lot of business so it would make sense for her to know Nys even if not reall well.

Also I found a song called "Soldier, Poet, King" by The Oh Hellos (You should really listen to it. It's a really good song!) and I can't help but to think of Aaron as the soldier, Nykidia as the poet and Nys as the Ruler.


Yeah sure Nykidia can know Nys. I'm probably gonna make it so Nys has had her restaurant open a bit longer just cause I want to.

Also both me and Little Sins Soon can call it Valentine's day because neither of us are single! And that would be cause we're dating each other but yeet still.


I'm usually a happy single on Valentine's Day, but I just recently learned about Singles Appreciation Day so I'm used to calling it Valentines Day. lol
Also it's been a while since I heard that song but searching it up it seems to fit well. Also I'm trying to think of if I should use Aaron even if the only update would maybe be how much time is passed depending on how the reboot is set up, the only real update is how the ghosts interact with him and that change happened before I introduced Corru, or if I should try using a different character because I have way too many.


OMG It's cannon!!! I had been shipping you too for a while but I hadn't said anything!!!!

You are like literally all of our friends like they've been shipping us for years


Also I'm setting up the reboot and I think I'll just see what characters you guys use before I decide.


I might just flip a coin to decide on whether to use Aaron or my rebellion characters.
Also yay Lex, I follow Ijustwannahavefun too!


In the reboot I'm not going to make a form for the other charry I want to use. I'm not going to be writing from her point of view, but she will show up and interact with everyone from time to time.


Help, I'm indecisive on what character to use. I have Aaron, and my other choice is my rebellion leader Aster and maybe Ben. One reason to not just be biased and choose Aaron is that if I don't I can make him appear in the reboot showing how he started slipping back into his old ways and maybe even became worse and that might be interesting because he's my villain so he's not going to stay good for no reason.

Deleted user

Hmm… My character is not a good guy, he's more on the Deadpool side of things if it comes to being the hero.


Alright. I think I'll put together a form for my rebellion characters then.

@Shadow_Knight group

I would love to have spicy boi Aaron be your character (even if he does start to slip back into his ways. Nykidia will be there to help.) but if you don't want to that's fine! I've only seen you do Aaron and Corru so that will be fun.