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Started by @InstaOnly

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… Blaze is going to flirt with everyone.

Nysaxiope has never been flirted with by anyone other than a few male sirens so she won't know how to handle it if your charrie hits on her so this will be fun

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… Blaze is going to flirt with everyone.

Nysaxiope has never been flirted with by anyone other than a few male sirens so she won't know how to handle it if your charrie hits on her so this will be fun

Blaze hits in people to make himself and others feel good, but will stop if someone's uncomfty

@Shadow_Knight group

… Blaze is going to flirt with everyone.

Nysaxiope has never been flirted with by anyone other than a few male sirens so she won't know how to handle it if your charrie hits on her so this will be fun

Nykidia would try to flirt back and fail so badly so then Night would probably torment her with flirty jokes that would turn Nykidia into a blushing mess.

Deleted user

… Blaze is going to flirt with everyone.

Nysaxiope has never been flirted with by anyone other than a few male sirens so she won't know how to handle it if your charrie hits on her so this will be fun

Nykidia would try to flirt back and fail so badly so then Night would probably torment her with flirty jokes that would turn Nykidia into a blushing mess.

Blaze would not hit on a 14 year old girl, he may be a jackass, but he's not a pedo.


Sketch I just had a kind of funny idea. What if you draw that scene with Nys and Nykidia jump/flying over the rooftops while carrying Aaron


Alright, I'm just trying to finish up the last of my template! I decided to use Aster and Ben, so this should be fun!


Also I might draw that scene since I'm going to try to draw Aster because his design translates better visually in my opinion.


Why the corner tho. Writing you can just summon a nice chair for yourself.
Sits in magically appearing chair because as a fantasy writer I can do that.

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I could, but my fantasy is a murder/ dark fantasy and nothing is easy.
Proceeds to go into long rant because as a murder writer, I can do that.


Oof. Mine's a weird mess of fantasy, horror, and sci-fi. Also you mentioning dark fantasy reminds me that I have my ball of murderous energy that is Ellis Larkier with his cat Mr. Noodles from several generations before my actual story who actually gets convicted of several murders- Starts to talk about my murderous little characters and how they don't match to my MC because at least they had a tipping point while MC just doesn't consider the morals in important decisions and I really need to just start writing my story already

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Sips hot cocoa with marshmallows and sprinkles.
I am also a comic artist and I should really start story-boarding my animations…


Same. The closest I've gotten to story-boarding anything with my characters is the lilo & stitch thing because Aaron was in that…. I should go through my old stuff for animation ideas, I need to practice before I do anything big.


I'm pretty sure Qxeen and Moony either dropped this or are going to join later. Should I try to put up a starter soon for everyone else?


Oh boy, it's gonna be fun to use two of my calmer characters with this group. Ben and Aster are the least crazy of my little protagonists and I need to practice writing their more stable personalities around others.