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Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers



I sold my soul.

I sacrificed the ability to write a full page of my actual project.

I'm already dead

This is why you don't ask writers how they manage to write so much.


Oof, sorry, I just assumed since that was what you quoted with Little Sins Soon's thing on writing posts.
Also I've been working on my project and decided to change an important detail in the beginning of my story to make it flow better. The only problem is I now have to rewrite the dialogue because that important detail is when one of the characters show up. ._.


I'm on and off when it comes to writing. I left it at an outline basically half the summer and now I'm back to working on it, even if I'm only making a little progress.

@Diamond encrusted Noodle


I sold my soul.

I sacrificed the ability to write a full page of my actual project.

I'm already dead

This is why you don't ask writers how they manage to write so much.

All the best answers! I was trying to ask in the context of all of you making amazing posts on the rp, though this is 100x funnier!

Deleted user

I actually just think about what my character would do and over explain their thoughts!


I just got a book on drawing fantasy stuff! Hopefully it'll help me make something more than an unfinished sketch.
(Edit: I drew one of my non-human characters, this is also posted in the artists chat- Oridone Lonari Scrap)


I was just telling my dog how good she was to not jump on the bed while I was away only for her to then go jump on the bed. ._. The problem is she's a small dog so were trying to keep her from from getting on tall things that she could break her legs falling from, but it's hard to keep her off because she's so fast.


I just got a book on drawing fantasy stuff! Hopefully it'll help me make something more than an unfinished sketch.
(Edit: I drew one of my non-human characters, this is also posted in the artists chat- Oridone Lonari Scrap)

He's beautiful.

I tried giving her more rounded features to show Oridone is female, though it's a bit hard with humanoid characters because your balancing the human and non-human features. Glad you two like my art though!


Still dead for me. Even the artists chat is dead. I'm questioning maybe bumping the RPs but I don't want to be annoying.