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Started by @InstaOnly

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Hey so y'all know that hunger games simulator? I'm using users. I need more people, so if any of you guys want to be part of it thennnn,,,, telll mee


Those Hunger Game Sims are fun! I'd like to be part of it. :D


I'm good! I'm on spring break right now, not much has happened but I'll be seeing an old irl friend this weekend. What about you?

Deleted user

I'm going to the springs with my youth group, insert dysphoria here.


I'm sick and have a lot of stuff I need to do for school, but overall very well! thank you for asking.

Be careful what you wish for
You never should have said you were jealous I'm sick, now you're sick

@Diamond encrusted Noodle

I'm sick and have a lot of stuff I need to do for school, but overall very well! thank you for asking.

Be careful what you wish for
You never should have said you were jealous I'm sick, now you're sick

I was wanting the "you are stuck at home sick" not the "suffer but you have to go to school" sick. I'm lucky that I just have an annoying cold, my sister has had to stay at home for two days straight.


Being sick is the worst, my whole family was sick and then I was sick. Though I'm home schooled so no matter what I do lessons. Hope you get better soon and the school stuff isn't too bad!
Oof Lex. Good luck with your dysphoria then, hope the trip goes well.

Deleted user

I'm going to the springs with my youth group, insert dysphoria here.

are you okay and why?

I'm genderfluid and I usually have male days or agender days, though very little female days even though my body is female.


I'm sick and have a lot of stuff I need to do for school, but overall very well! thank you for asking.

Be careful what you wish for
You never should have said you were jealous I'm sick, now you're sick

I was wanting the "you are stuck at home sick" not the "suffer but you have to go to school" sick. I'm lucky that I just have an annoying cold, my sister has had to stay at home for two days straight.

Well at least you're not throwing up your guts and eating a ton of popsicles to cool your throat down

@Diamond encrusted Noodle

Being sick is the worst, my whole family was sick and then I was sick. Though I'm home schooled so no matter what I do lessons. Hope you get better soon and the school stuff isn't too bad!
Oof Lex. Good luck with your dysphoria then, hope the trip goes well.

Eh, I'll be fine, I've dealt with worse before. It's just that tiredness decided to fog over me for the past week and I can't find the reason why.

@Diamond encrusted Noodle

I'm going to the springs with my youth group, insert dysphoria here.

are you okay and why?

I'm genderfluid and I usually have male days or agender days, though very little female days even though my body is female.

Oh, well then I hope that your dysphoria doesn't mess with you too much, and that you can get back to normal soon enough!