forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers

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Can I contribute to this conversation?

I have a ton of little facts about my characters ^-^

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Yay! Also I'm planning to respond soon, I just don't know how to fit Oliver and Apollo into the fight xD


Oof. You could always have them questioning, whether silent or not, why two paper boys are poking around a restaurant. Mine are probably going to raise an eyebrow but not step in until a the fight actually breaks out.
Also same, Dragoncita, I'm constantly doing research in my free time to add a million little things to my characters. That and I just like knowing random facts. lol

@Dragoncita group

Like my most recent charrie I'm working on, though not sure this would count:

As much as he tries to keep his memories buried, certain things will trigger them, which in turn will leave Lucernas in a grief-stricken state. When he's in this state, he will seemingly revert back to a young dragon chick. Completely terrified and only wanting the comfort of a parent that is no longer there…


Nice, just from that I can tell he's most likely a well thought out character. I think it totally counts! Despite working on my world a lot in my free time I still have yet to figure out some of my characters' triggers… I just know most of them are going centered around losing something, whether stability or something you can't control, since I never really see that stuff as more than a plot device or subplot in fantasy.
So there's triggers, then there's the random things like how some of my characters could basically get high on catnip, or how two characters like showing card tricks to each other. My mechanic really likes space, and Oridone basically lives off tea and caffeine because she has a habit of not sleeping to work on stuff.

@Shadow_Knight group

Ava tries to stay up to much and barley sleeps. Chesh has anxiety attacks and she needs physical contact to help calm her down. Nykidia has a very smart mouth gets her in trouble. Night is just done with everything. Maddie will tackle hug almost everyone.

Just some random facts about my characters.


So, for the original Altir members, I showed you guys my Night Fearoses a while ago. So I realized the art is old and decide to update it. Except I didn't use any references and it ended up looking like a black emo llama. So now I'm redrawing it again with proper references. ._.
Sorry for this random post, I was bored.


Sorry for taking forever to respond on Altir! Some of my family has gotten sick so I've had a hard time focusing on writing while taking care of them. Sorry if my posts aren't the best.

@Dragoncita group

It's fine, it happens to the best of us

I know soon I'm going to extremely busy attending to my goats. Have nearly 90 does out there ready to drop kids at any moment


I wish you luck with all the goats, even if I love animals that sounds like it'll be chaos with so many.
Meanwhile I'm doing nothing besides drawing frames.

@Dragoncita group

Have had up to 200 kids
Some does having up to triplets. Only have had a couple does have quads
Thankfully its actually a decent day today, so they should be alright outside. though depending on how cold it gets tonight, might have to bring them in to keep them warm


Hope you feel better! It seems like quite a few of us won't be able to post much or at least not very quickly.


I was up at midnight last night just making character memes:

Now I have those memes in a character thread lol