forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers

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F for respect of the fallen determination

Ye I'm still here ^-^


Alright! Also I changed the RP title to show 6 out of 8 spots taken, since I went through to jot down all the characters on the main post and realized two people never filled out a template. So yeah, I'm leaving room for others to join. If no one does after a while I'll just close it and say no more spots opened.


Oh, I saw that! Though I ended up forgetting where I found it and couldn't choose what character to use. I'll have to remember to decide so I can write for that prompt!
Also a great thing about RPs! Whenever I use a character it gives me the motivation to draw them or a character important to their character arc. Now I have a WIP of Ben with his sister and some of his items in the background. Lighting messed up one of the eyes but that should be fixed once I do the digital linework. Anyways, now you guys can have a better idea of Ben's appearance. lol


Yup. Glad I finally got around to drawing him, I'm better at showing my characters visually than with descriptions.
Also, I might be on for a bit. Looking for ideas on how to push Altir past the 'characters get introduced' phase since I'm terrible at that. In other words, I'm looking for suggestions on what misadventures you guys want to happen. That way everyone active knows what is supposed to happen whenever we get around to all the characters interacting.


Hmmm… Blaze might not be in this anymore because Logan hasn't shown any sign he's still following Altir with his new account. Oliver and Apollo should be properly introduced to at least one character soon but otherwise have their existence established.
Sooooo Oridone, Ben, Euric, Nysaxiope, Nykidia, Night, Blaze(maybe), Daxton, Oliver, and Apollo are all of the characters and all of them have been for the most part established.
I think we're good on introductions, my question is more about ideas to actually make them a group/talk to each other. Basically throw any idea out there that you wouldn't get to use in a scripted plot and everyone decides what sounds fun.

Deleted user

Sorry for not responding, my energy has gone down the drain.


Oof. It's fine. Looking back at the chats a second time I didn't realize but you actually did comment with the new account. I'm just tired but don't feel tired, if that makes sense, and didn't process that the new username was yours.

Deleted user

Ah yes, it has slightly more chaotic energy from my usual name.


I'm having a movie day with family so I can't join right now, but it seems neat so I'll check it out some more later!


Random update: Movie day has been moved to tomorrow. Sorry I still wasn't on, I was getting ahead since it would be on a school day. Anyways, that's not really the purpose of this post. I've been putting together my timeline and realized I never told you guys the year in my world, which is 0806.
Also, have any of you thought of something you'd like to happen? My ideas might not be the best….
(Edit: Also I totally have a way to make Charles relevant/appear briefly in my plot if I'm allowed to actually make him canon Euric. I have a situation in which his existence would actually make sense.)


By the way, do you have a general idea of how youtuber RPs work? I've never actually done a fandom RP.


Okay so… Plans for Altir. These ideas might not be the best, so feel free to suggest changes or your own ideas:
We could do the park idea that never happened in the original, maybe show that Guardian of Altir City Charles is there whether it's relevant or not.
I or someone else could suggest something a character has to do and have the others over hear and have some sort of interest in it, whether it deals with them being against or for it.
Uh… I don't have much other than that. I could have Aaron show up to cause trouble, but I'd rather wait until the characters are actually at least acquaintances before I throw in the chaos of that.


That's fine, I take forever trying to settle details on ideas so I understand. Also sorry if I take a while to respond to things, this is around the time I have a bunch of important tests I can't risk failing.


It's alright, post it when you have time. We still need to decide on an idea to get Altir going anyways. By the way, that also reminds me to tell everyone to please decide on one of the ideas I've given or suggest your own when you're able to.