forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


Yeah… and I haven’t been on as much because of school, in fact I had a test today. Though my last state test is tomorrow so I should be more active soon.


Well, testing is around this time so people are doing other stuff. I haven't been on in a few days because I'm relaxing after all my testing.


I'm going to post today on Altir. It might be in a few hours but I'll make sure something is up before the end of the day.


Euric, did you ask about the name?

No, but I don't see why I should have to ask people permission to have my name however I want it


That was Blaze. Remember Blaze was in the alley with a dagger? So my characters just ran to the park after seeing him.

Deleted user

Blaze is always in random alleys, he's also most likely high on something sp when he finds them either expect a debate or him juwst passing out.


I completely forgot I even posted those vines. lol
Also I'll bump Altir later just so it's not buried, sorry I haven't been very active.


Heads up that I changed my username from IOnlyHave1Project to Woodox. So if you see the new username or profile picture it's me. :D


I can agree Notebook has been really dead, but that's just because of end of the year. I just wrapped up school so I should be on more. I'll also be in ArtFight this year if you have an account there. :D


I haven't been on notebook in forever cause teachers decided to load a ton of projects on me so I'm really busy, sorry for not being on. I'll be more active next week (hopefully) and I'll try to be on after that, but I'll be traveling so I still won't be extremely active.