forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

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@Diamond encrusted Noodle

I'm sick and have a lot of stuff I need to do for school, but overall very well! thank you for asking.

Be careful what you wish for
You never should have said you were jealous I'm sick, now you're sick

I was wanting the "you are stuck at home sick" not the "suffer but you have to go to school" sick. I'm lucky that I just have an annoying cold, my sister has had to stay at home for two days straight.

Well at least you're not throwing up your guts and eating a ton of popsicles to cool your throat down

okay maybe I shouldn't have been jealous, but I'm definatly not anymore! That sounds awful.


Oof, sorry there was never a reply Noodle.
Lex, you said you were going to use two characters but I forget if you ever had a form for them on the Altir RPs? If you're keeping them whether or not Blaze comes back maybe fill out forms for them, but if not you can just post descriptions here whenever so we know what they look like.


Notebook is being weird for me right now. So sorry if I don't reply to anything or at least not very fast. I'm most likely not on to see if it's just a temporary bug, I haven't gotten a notification, or I can't see your post even if the thread says unread since those have been the problems I'm having. I'm going to see if it's temporary before I go to site support, so this is just a heads up. :)


Oof. Apparently it was some issue on the security update messing with how the pages load. If it's already loaded the page it'd just grab the old load rather than automatically refreshing the data it had. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s working on it now and he gave more info in the site support threads.


I changed my profile photo to an artwork actually meant to be for my profile :D

Deleted user

I don’t get spring break til April why is everyone on spring break

I agree with this


Hey, Shadow! I was wondering why you fell off the face of Notebook. Did you have a fun break?
Also idk Euric, schools seem to just slap a break wherever they feel like rather than having everyone on break at the same time. I had a short 1 week break already, but it wasn't really a break since we just did spring cleaning. ._.


That's nice! Music has always been my favorite, aside from architecture and art, when visiting places. Glad you had a nice trip and happy to see you back on Notebook. :D


Oof, I thought I replied to this a while ago but apparently I didn't. Sorry I didn't realize until now. Anyways, that sounds chaotic Dragoncita.
While I'm here in case any of you didn't see my post I've stopped bumping Altir. I just wanted to reply to Dragoncita because I forgot.


Well, looks like Altir is revived. Sorry I haven't responded Shadow! I'm trying to think of something to progress to having unplanned mishaps while not knowing how many are actually still in Altir.

@Dragoncita group

I'd like to stay around in the RP
I'm just really suffering from writer's block as well as trying to get ideas going around in my head again due to with the goats kidding still here


That's fine Dragoncita! Thank you for clarifying that you are staying in the RP, even if you have writer's block and life stuff. Euric and Emi, I assume the random letters are to show you're still here as well?