forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

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I'm finally done with math for the yeeeeaaaaaaaaaaarrrr.
That's fine Euric, I was just curious if you had dropped Altir. If you have any questions to ask that could help you with a post feel free to ask. If you need an idea maybe Nysaxiope goes to the park for a lunch break…? And have you talked to @"Diamond encrusted Noodle"? They said they were joining awhile ago but I haven't seen any posts from them since then.


I'm finally done with math for the yeeeeaaaaaaaaaaarrrr.
That's fine Euric, I was just curious if you had dropped Altir. If you have any questions to ask that could help you with a post feel free to ask. If you need an idea maybe Nysaxiope goes to the park for a lunch break…? And have you talked to @"Diamond encrusted Noodle"? They said they were joining awhile ago but I haven't seen any posts from them since then.

I don't think she will. She hasn't gone online in a while.


Alright, I guess I'll open a spot. Though if no one joins in about a week I'll close it. Sorry I have yet to post, I'll try to get something up soon. My school decided to give us all the work that was put on hold for state testing prep so I've been a bit busy.


Actually, before I try writing a post I'd like a honest opinion from all of you.
Has Altir gotten run into the ground? I'd understand if it has, as it's been going on to the point we rebooted it. I'm just wanting to know if it's slowed down simply because many are busy this time of year or if it's been dragged out.
If everyone still enjoys Altir, that's great! I'll start working on a post. If not, I'd be happy to join or create an RP with one of your guys' ideas.

Deleted user

Hm… I think it may just be that time of the year.
I'd love to make an rp with all of you though.

Deleted user

I'm pretty sure it's just the time of the year, since a lot of us have tests and whatnot.


Actually, before I try writing a post I'd like a honest opinion from all of you.
Has Altir gotten run into the ground? I'd understand if it has, as it's been going on to the point we rebooted it. I'm just wanting to know if it's slowed down simply because many are busy this time of year or if it's been dragged out.
If everyone still enjoys Altir, that's great! I'll start working on a post. If not, I'd be happy to join or create an RP with one of your guys' ideas.

If I'm completely honest, I loved Altir but I'm not really feeling it anymore. I'm fine with continuing it, but if we want to do something different I am all for it. You guys are so fun to RP with so I don't want to drop this stuff altogether.


Alright, then I'll work on a post so I can get it up soon.
Though if you have any ideas for an RP I'd be happy to either put them in Altir or create a new RP on the side, Euric. I get that Altir might be getting dragged out to some, so I'm open to any ways to make things better or start something more exciting.


Aww, precious baby goats. Though I'd assume that's the energy and work of a puppy litter times 30.


Oof. Energy and work of a puppy litter times 350 then. How do you even manage caring for so many and being in RPs?

Deleted user

Dude I thought they were like, deformed rodents

But they're so cute all curled up comfy!


I've posted this to two threads and somehow things are still tying. Would any of you mind taking this survey? I'm trying to choose the name of my world:
Also I'm almost done writing a post, and after I'll write a post for the Academy RP Shadow.


Somehow now three names are tied. I don't understand-
And thanks! It's a little icon of an original creature. Though my dying pen didn't let me add the wings. rip
Edit: 'Daeliosaad' was just suggested on the survey and I have no idea how to even pronounce it. I'm curious if any of you would know. My guess is 'Day-lie-o-sad'


Hmm, maybe. I'm not sure, though it hasn't made it into the final choices so I guess I don't need to worry too much about it.
And I should be able to post on the Academy RP today. I just need to finish up some work before I start writing.


Quick Update: My world, aka the world Altir is in, is now called Deilosin. Also, I'm sorry it's been stalled so much but I am working on a post for the other RP Shadow.