forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

people_alt 61 followers


Umm! Tim! Mike! Clark! Brody! Chase! Marvin! Drake! Bradey! andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)! Kyle! James! Andi! Roman! Virgil! Logan! Patton! Thomas! Jack! Eric! Aaron! Timothy!

You're much too late.


It's fine! Sorry for not posting yesterday! I had some family and school stuff, but my post will be up in a moment to do my character switch. Also did Emi drop the reboot? I haven't see a starter for Oliver and Apollo yet. I just need to know so I decide whether reopen this to a few new people or not since Moony dropped it as well.


Oof. Also do you guys just want to let the old Altir die since it hasn't been posted on in a while? If so I can stop bumping it if you want to just focus on the reboot.


Euric, what brought about changing your username to 'Euric_the_rat'?


I got into an anime called No. 6 and there's a character named rat and I just remembered it and thought of all the ways it applies to me like 1) is driven by food or 2) hate everyone


Here's some info for Emi
Altir is one of the biggest cities in my modernized kingdom called Caran. It's also the most diverse, which makes the perfect setting for anyone to practice writing any type of character no matter their personality, species, origins, etc. Some buildings likely wouldn't be standing without the magic some have being crafted to support them, but given that Nys Fish is a place to eat and not a skyscraper there's likely smaller stores in the area and maybe apartments a few blocks away. More towards the center of the city are large areas of grass or parks. The currency is Bits, pieces of gold and silver broken up into eight pieces. A full gold Bit is worth $8, and a full silver Bit is worth $4.


Thank you for the currency thing cause I had no clue for that. Also, I was thinking that Nys fish is on a street with lots of different stores, so it's convenient for lots of people whenever they need something which makes it a pretty popular street.


Really random, but I finally named a character Eri using Euric's key-mashing technique after abandoning giving them a name for a long while.


Indeed. I just gave up on naming them a while ago since I haven't gotten around to writing the part of my story in Altir yet, but then I remembered what you did for names and decided to give it a shot.


I've been doing research on personalities, why someone would do something, the effects of something on specific individuals, etc. to help flesh out my characters more and it led to me adding some random stuff. So now I'm curious what random facts you guys may have made for characters while fleshing them out?