forum Welcome to Altir City! OOC Chat
Started by @InstaOnly

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No. I should be back on my laptop. I just need to keep it plugged in 24/7 now until I get the problem fixed. The charger is able to power the laptop, just not actually charge the battery so I can use it without the charger.


RIP, English homework takes forever, get sleep when ever you can then. :/


Sketchy sketch of Aaron in his fox form. Except here he still has his third tail. Decided to share before I headed off to sleep. Good night!


Glad you like it! :D Since it's in pencil I guess I'll just say that his fur is a dark-ish red-brown, the fur darker where I have more pencil shading. I've sorta been practicing different perspectives on characters and drawing foxes and I finally made a finished sketch of him.


Also have I mentioned how I love foxes? They're the perfect mix of cat and dog, basically a dog that acts like a cat. They look a bit like dogs and friendly towards humans so long as they don't feel threatened, they like anything that acts like a tunnel, they can purr like a cat would, they can retract their claws, and they have a fluffy winter coat. There's a Japanese fox garden I want to visit some time because I love foxes, probably why I like my kitsune characters so much.


Oof. Everyone wants to adopt ‘spicy but soft fox fur boi’, yet in my actual plot he doesn’t have many friends.


Rip, Dragoncita has been left lurking.
My Spotify release radar managed to sneak in a ‘do you know da wae’ meme song into the playlist. ._. (Sorry for deleting and reposting, my laptop is being slow and I'm testing to see if it'll give me a problem with Notebook) I'm also waiting for someone to post on the RP since other than my post yesterday no one has really posted a character reply on it since the 18th, no rush though. I don't know what life stuff you guys may have.


He would probably have friends and still be on good terms with the two characters he considered family, but Corru exists soooo… Corru's basically messing up Aaron's second chance to get his own second chance at living without being a ghost. Aaron does kinda have Riveal as an almost friend in my plot though, but Riveal's kinda scared of him. Corru messed up that chance at him having a friend too.